Fenoverine is a colon-specific multi particulate drug. Also, it is an antispasmodic drug which inhibits contraction of smooth muscle. It is derived from Phenothiazine (P318040), which is a key component of antipsychotic and antihistaminic drugs.
ChEBI: Fenoverine is a member of phenothiazines.
To a hot solution 199.3 g (0.1 mol) of phenothiazine in 2 L of dry benzene
was added a little quantity of bromine and then were added dropwise 136 g
(0.1 mol) of chloroacetyle chloride. Then a mixture was refluxed for 5 hours.
After cooling the mixture was concentrated in vacuo. Product was dissolved at
reflux in ethanol absolute and filtered. At room temperature was crystallized
chloracetyl-10-phenothiazine with 123°C; yield 242 g.
A mixture of 13.8 g (0.05 mol) of chloracetyl-10-phenothiazine, 11.8 g (0.05
mol) of piperonyl-1-piperazine and 3.9 g (0.05 mol) of pyridine in 200 ml of
dry toluene was refluxed for 3 hours. Then the solution was cooled and
filtered. The filtrate was concentrated. The crystals of 10-((4-piperonyl-1-
piperazinyl)acetyl)phenothiazine was recrystallized from isopropylic ether; M.P.
141-142°C; yield 67%.