The 1-Ethoxy-1-(trimethylsilyloxy)cyclopropane can be used as preparation of 3-metallopropionates; metal homoenolate
precursor; γ-hydroxy esters; cyclopentenones; 3-aminopropionates; cyclopropylamine formation; 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acids and 1-aminocyclopropanephosphonic acids;
β- and γ-amino acids.
The 1-Ethoxy-1-(trimethylsilyloxy)cyclopropane is widely used in various reactions. Cyclization of optically pure β-halo esters gives cyclopropanone acetals enantiomerically pure at C-2 and a 1:1 diastereomeric mixture at C-1.
Use of Cyclopropanone Hemiacetals. Heating cyclopropanone hemiacetal at 100°Cin an aqueous buffer provides the cyclopropanone hydrate. It also serves as a source of homoenolate radical species with a catalytic amount of AgNO3.