Aluminum sulfate hydrate is a starch modifier and firming agent. It is used as a firming agent in pickle and vegetable processing and as a processing aid in baked goods, gelatins, and puddings.
Aluminum Sulfate (Al2(SO4)3·12H2O) is a white powder, highly soluble in water.
Reacting kaolin or nepheline with sulfuric acid can obtain aluminum sulfate.
Aluminum sulfate is primarily used in non-metallic flotation and in by-product molybdenum
circuits. In molybdenum circuits, alum is used for depression of talc at pH 7.
Also it can be used for talc depression during the treatment of talcous nickel ores
together with carboxyl methyl cellulose. Aluminum salts have a depressing effect on
calcite, dolomite and barite. It is used as co-depressant during fluoride flotation from
the ores containing barite.