An amorphous alkaloid isolated from Thermopsis rhombifolia (Watt), Richards,
and also present in Lupinus macounii Rydb. The base forms a perchlorate, m.p.
313°C and a picrate, m.p. 253°C. On catalytic hydrogenation it yields the
octahydro derivative, b.p. l40°CjO.2 mm which also forms a perchlorate, m.p.
213°C; [α]D - 40.9° (H20).
Anagyrine is a naturally occuring alkaloid found in Genista vuralli, which displays antimicrobial activity.
Manske, Marion., Can. J. Res., 20B, 265 (1942)
Manske, Marion., ibid, 21B, 144 (1943)