AEG 3482 is an antiapoptotic compound that inhibits Jun Kinase Activity (JNK) and cell death through induced expression of heat shock protein 70. AEG 3482 shows possible use in the treatment of neurological disorders.
ChEBI: 6-phenyl-2-imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazolesulfonamide is a member of imidazoles.
Biological Activity
Inhibitor of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling. Binds Hsp90 and facilitates HSF1 release, induces expression of Hsp70, which in turn blocks JNK activation and JNK-dependent apoptosis. Antiapoptotic; inhibits NGF withdrawal-induced death in SCG neurons (EC 50 = 20 μ M).
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