- CAS号:1239-45-8
- 英文名:Ethidium bromide
- 中文名:溴化乙啶
- CBNumber:CB7406991
- 分子式:C21H20BrN3
- 分子量:394.32
- MOL File:1239-45-8.mol
- 熔点 :260-262 °C (dec.)(lit.)
- 密度 :1.3739 (rough estimate)
- 堆积密度 :340kg/m3
- 折射率 :1.6700 (estimate)
- 闪点 :>100°C
- 储存条件 :2-8°C
- 溶解度 :H2O: 10 mg/mL, opaque, strongly red
- 形态 :powder
- 颜色 :Red to dark purple
- 气味 (Odor) :Odorless solid
- PH值 :4.4 (20°C, 10g/L in H2O)
- 水溶解性 :40 g/L (25 ºC)
- 最大波长(λmax) :518 nm, 210 nm, 285 nm, 316 nm, 343 nm, 480 nm, 525 nm
- Merck :14,4731
- BRN :3642536
- 稳定性 :Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
- 生物领域应用 :Nucleic acid hybridization; detecting nucleic acids,cells,cancer cells,human cytomegalovirus,hydrogenase A (hydA) of Clostridia,influenza A virus,oligonucleotides,viable Plesiomonas shigelloides; apoptosis assay; nucleic acid quantification
- 主要应用 :Electroluminescent displays;photoresists
- CAS 数据库 :1239-45-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
- EPA化学物质信息 :Phenanthridinium, 3,8-diamino-5-ethyl-6-phenyl-, bromide (1239-45-8)
- 危险品标志 :T,T+
- 危险类别码 :23-68-36/37/38-26-21/22-22
- 安全说明 :36/37-45-36/37/39-28A-26-22-28-63
- 危险品运输编号 :UN 2811 6.1/PG 1
- WGK Germany :3
- RTECS号 :SF7950000
- F :8-9
- 危险等级 :6.1
- 包装类别 :I
- 海关编码 :29339990
- 毒害物质数据 :1239-45-8(Hazardous Substances Data)
- 毒性 :Intercalating dye widely used to stain DNA in gels and gradients. The DNA can be visualized readily by irradiation with ultraviolet light, as little as 0.5 μg of DNA being detectable by such methods. Ethidium bromide is also added to cesium chloride density gradients, since as an intercalating molecule it binds more readily to linear DNA than to closed collinear circles of DNA (such as plasmids). Binding of ethidium bromide reduces the density of DNA, thus covalent circles of DNA have higher densities at saturating concentrations of ethidium bromide, permitting the separation of plasmid DNA. Ethidium bromide is a putative carcinogen.
溴化乙啶 MSDS
Homidium bromide
溴化乙啶(简称EB)是目前在紫外线下观察DNA而常用的一种荧光染料,属于插入染料,原因是它有多环结构,这种结构使它能够插入核苷酸碱基之间。由于核酸和碱基的荧光量子产率很低,因此利用天然荧光检测核酸比蛋白质困难更大,所以荧光探针技术在核酸研究中显得尤为重要。比较常用的是溴化乙啶(et-hidium bromide或称菲啶溴红),它与核酸 (DNA、RNA、双链多聚核苷酸)有特异结合的能力。它对脱氧核糖核酸的最低检测量可达10ng/ml,而且它与核酸的双链区结合是专一的,利用它与各种构象核酸结合比例的不同所产生的荧光强度的变化,可以把各种构型核酸加以区分。例如它能鉴别天然核酸和变性核酸,区分线性DNA、环状DNA和超级线团DNA等。此外各种吖啶,包括吖啶橙、吖啶黄以及前黄素等都是核酸常用的探剂。
荧光分析法可分为直接测定法和间接测定法二种。直接测定法是利用物质自身发射的荧光,即所谓“自荧光”或“内源荧光”来进行测定。但在自然界中只有少部分物质在光激发后可以发射荧光,而有相当一部分物质发荧光很弱或不发射荧光,如蛋白和核酸就是发荧光很弱的物质。为了充分利用荧光分析法灵敏度高这一特点就需使其转化成荧光物质再进行测定。此时可用某些试剂(如荧光染料) 使其与荧光较弱或不显荧光的物质共价或非共价结合,以形成发荧光的结合物再进行测定,这就是所谓的“荧光探针”技术或“荧光标记”技术。使试剂(荧光剂) 吸附在大分子上或共价结合到大分子上。所用的染料溴化乙啶被叫做“荧光探剂”。探剂荧光特性的变化,实际上是由于大分子构象的变化所引起的探剂环境变化的信号,所以利用这种信号还可以得到大分子构象变化的信息。 - 生物活性 Ethidium Bromide (Homidium bromide, EtBr, EB) 是一种嵌入剂,与DNA碱基对类似。EtBr在分子生物学实验技术(如琼脂糖凝胶电泳)中经常被用于荧光标记(核酸染色)。
Guidelines (Following is our recommended protocol. This protocol only provides a guideline, and should be modified according to your specific needs).
The preparation of agarose gel:
1. Agarose gels are commonly used in concentrations of 0.5% to 2.5% depending on the size of bands needed to be separated.
2. Mix the agarose powder with 1X TAE/TBE.
3. Microwave for 1-3 min until the agarose is completely dissolved ( Caution : not overboil).
4. Make the solution cool down before solidification.
5. Add ethidium bromide (EtBr) to a final concentration of approximately 0.2-0.5 μg/mL (Stocks are generally 10 mg/ml, and require 5 µL stock/100 mL gel).
6. Ethidium bromide binds to the DNA and you could visualize the DNA under ultraviolet (UV) light.
CAUTION: EtBr is a known mutagen. Please pay attention to strengthening protection. - 用途 EB不能穿过活细胞膜,可通过死细胞破损膜对细胞核DNA染色,含一个可嵌入堆积碱基之间的一平面基团,该基团固定位置及与碱基密切接近,致染料与DNA结合现荧光,因EB-DNA复合物荧光产率远大于未结合染料荧光,当电泳凝胶中含游离EB,可测少量DNA,是高灵敏荧光试剂,也是重要荧光染料,常测DNARNA.与DNA结合抑制DNA复制转录
- 用途 溴化乙锭是一种高度灵敏的荧光染色剂,用于观察琼脂糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中的DNA。溴化乙锭用标准302nm 紫外光透射仪激发并放射出橙红色信号,可用Polaroid 底片或带CCD 成像头的凝胶成像处理系统拍摄。 对于在电泳后进行凝胶染色,应先用水将储存液样品稀释到 0.5μg/ml,再将凝胶孵育 15-30 分钟。通常无需脱色,但是如果必须降低背景色,则可在水中脱色 15 分钟。然后可在紫外灯箱(254nm 波长)中检测 DNA 条带。也可将溴化乙啶加到凝胶和电泳缓冲液(终浓度 0.5μg/ml)中,并在电泳后立即显影。
Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is the most commonly used nucleic acid stain for PAGE or agarose gel electrophoresis. The fluorescence of EtBr increases 21-fold upon binding to double-stranded RNA and 25-fold on binding double-stranded DNA so that destaining the background is not necessary with a low stain concentration. Ethidium bromide has been used in a number of fluorimetric assays for nuc leic acids. It has been shown to bind to single-stranded DNA (although not as strongly) and triple-stranded DNA. Because of its ability to bind to DNA, EtBr is an inhibitor of DNA polymerase. Antiprot ozoal (Trypanosoma).
- 更新日期:2025/02/08
- 产品编号:HY-D0021
- 产品名称:溴化乙啶 Ethidium bromide
- CAS编号:1239-45-8
- 包装:100 mg
- 价格:300元
- 更新日期:2025/02/08
- 产品编号:HY-D0021
- 产品名称:溴化乙啶 Ethidium bromide
- CAS编号:1239-45-8
- 包装:10mM * 1mLin DMSO
- 价格:330元
- 公司名称:Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
- 联系电话:--
- 电子邮件:info@cas.cz
- 国家:捷克
- 产品数:364
- 优势度:91