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Benefits of MK-677

Oct 30,2019

MK-677, otherwise known as Ibutamoren Mesylate, works in the body by binding to GHSR receptors in the brain. These receptors are associated with several functions, including mood, appetite, homeostasis, cognition, memory, and biological body rhythm. By stimulating these receptors, MK-677 enhances all of these functions.

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Builds Muscle

MK-677 is popular for its anabolic properties. This enables it to promote the lean gains that most athletes are after. These effects can only be activated when Nutrobal is taken orally once per day.

That’s because it not only boosts IGF-1 levels but it increases growth hormone production as well. When taken together, these benefits can help you increase muscle size and strength while significantly reducing the amount of body fat you have.

A double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted with 24 obese men over a period of two months and they were given MK-677 as a treatment. Within two months, the participants showed an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and they had more lean muscle mass.

MK-677 doesn’t work the same way as a SARM, like for example LGD-4033, Ostarine, RAD-140, etc. It’s often compared to SARMs, but they are not the same and work differently.

Prevents Muscle Wasting

Yet another double-blind randomized control trial study was conducted with eight food-deprived volunteers. In these participants, MK-677 was shown to reverse protein loss and muscle wasting that they’d experienced as a result of diet and lifestyle.
MK-677 was also shown to reduce the number of falls experienced by elderly patients with hip fractures. This randomized controlled trial helped the patients experience better gains while increasing muscle strength.

Increases Bone Density

Several studies have indicated that long term use of MK-677 can have tremendous results to increase bone mineral density. This finding can benefit several populations including obese individuals, older adults, and women with menopause. These distinct populations can have detrimental health problems due to low bone mineral density and MK-677 has proven to be an effective treatment for many of them. For instance, in one study a group of obese, young adult males were given MK-677 for eight weeks. After the study, increases in bone formation were noticed in the participants. The groups of people who serve to benefit by MK-677’s ability to increase bone density must research the possibility of any long term side effects since increases in bone density typically take more than a year’s use.  

Helps with Sleep

MK-677 was shown to improve the quality and quantity of REM sleep in both young and elderly participants of a double-blind randomized controlled trial study.

Aside from the scientific evidence, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence to support this claim. Many users have experienced improved sleep as a result of taking MK-677.

We all know that sleep is an important part of the bodybuilding. It allows us to recover quickly and gain strength for the next training session.


MK-677 is a nonpeptide spiropiperidine previously demonstrated to be functionally indistinguishable in vitro and in vivo from the potent peptide GH secretagogue GHRP-6. MK-677 is active after oral administration in animals. Dietary energy restriction induces a predictable catabolic response in normal subjects. This loss of nitrogen is associated with a decrease in insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and an increase in GH, suggesting GH resistance. However, the resistance is not absolute, because administration of exogenous GH will effect an increase in IGF-I and increase nitrogen retention. Because MK-677 is a potent GH secretagogue, M. G. Murphy's study can prove that MK-677 could reverse the catabolic response to dietary energy restriction in healthy volunteers. The participants were given a daily dose of MK-677 and showed increased GH levels afterward.

Nootropic Effects

Since Ibutamoren can stimulate the ghrelin receptor, it may cause nootropic effects as well. With that said, there’s no empirical evidence to suggest that the compound has any effects on cognitive performance.
What we do know is that MK-677 can help improve brain function by indirectly influencing two mechanisms, namely:
A.Through the increase of IGF-1 which helps boost learning ability and memory retention
B.Through improved quantity and quality of REM sleep. Sleep is vital to ensuring optimal cognitive function.

Heals Wounds

The growth hormone improves the body’s ability to heal wounds and rebuild damaged tissue. MK677 is a no brainer when it comes to wound healing. But, this particular benefit is based on anecdotal evidence rather than scientific study.

Cures Hangovers

This is only based on subjective and anecdotal evidence, but there have been claims that MK-677 can actually cure hangovers.


[2]Murphy, M. G . MK-677, an Orally Active Growth Hormone Secretagogue, Reverses Diet-Induced Catabolism[J]. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1998, 83(2):320-325.
[4] Sigalos J T , Pastuszak A W . The Safety and Efficacy of Growth Hormone Secretagogues[J]. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 2017:S205005211730032X.

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