Product name: CJC-1295 DAC
package: 2mg/vial, 10vials/box
CJC-1295 DAC description :
CJC-1295 is a long acting growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analog. GHRH, also known as growth hormone releasing factor or somatocrinin, is 44-amino acid peptide hormone which is produced by the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus. It stimulates secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland and is released in a pulsatile manner to ultimately stimulate pulsatile release of growth hormone.
CJC-1295 DAC which stands for (Drug Affinity Complex) is provided with 2mg of lyophilized powder. This is a 30 amino acid pharmaceutical grade research peptide. Other peptides can be drawn into the same syringe to minimize the number of injections needed for desired testing.
CJC-1295 DAC is essentially a peptide that boosts protein synthesis. To be clear, what is considered to be normal CJC-1295 without DAC is actually a misnamed Mod GRF. When the peptide does not contain DAC it is no longer considered CJC, which can be confusing to many. Mod GRF is actually a terasubstituted peptide of the modified version of the original GRF 1-29, commonly known as sermorelin.

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