
神经垂体素 性质
密度 | 1.45±0.1 g/cm3(Predicted) |
储存条件 | −20°C |
溶解度 | 5% acetic acid: 1mg/mL |
形态 | 固体 |
颜色 | 白色 |
水溶解性 | Soluble to 1 mg/ml in water |
神经垂体素 用途与合成方法
注射液用神经垂体素于引产时宜谨慎,应小剂量缓慢静滴,胎位不正、剖腹产史者禁用;高血压、冠心病、心力衰竭、肺原性心脏病患者及对本品过敏者忌用;用药后恶心、面色苍白、心悸、胸闷、腹痛、便急等立即停药。鼻吸入剂对呼吸道炎症、副鼻窦炎、支气管哮喘者忌用;吸入过深可致咽喉发紧、气短、胸闷,而吸入过多可致腹痛;长期用药可引起萎缩性鼻炎。 PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat (PACAP 1-27) 是 PACAP-38 的 N-末端片段,是一种有效的 PACAP 受体拮抗剂,对大鼠 PAC1,大鼠 VPAC1 和人 VPAC2 的 IC50 值分别为 3 nM,2 nM 和 5 nM。IC50: 3 nM (rat PAC1), 2 nM (rat VPAC1), 5 nM (human VPAC2)
Radioligand receptor binding assays with I-monoiodinated PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat confirms the presence of PAC -receptors on AR4-2J cells, since PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat and PACAP(1–38) equipotently displaces radioligand binding with a K d of 1-2 nM, whereas vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is 1000-fold less potent. PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat exhibits a distinct and much higher susceptibility to VIP-amino acid substitutions. PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat has potency and binding affinity to stimulate IP3 and cAMP formation in AR4-2J cells.
The inhibitory effect of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat) on the increase in total pulmonary resistance (RL) causes either by allergen or histamine in anaesthetized, ventilated guinea-pigs is studied. PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat given via i.v. infusion (0.045-4.5 nmol/kg/min) dose-dependently reduces the increase in RL caused by inhaled ovalbumin and histamine. At the highest dose, PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat prevented the increase in RL caused by ovalbumin and histamine completely. Infusion of PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat and the β2-adrenoceptor agonist, salbutamol (0.045-4.5 nmol/kg/min) inhibit the increase in RL similarly, but salbutamol increases the heart rate more than PACAP (1-27), human, ovine, rat.
猪神经垂体[P2O5]→粗后叶粉[丙酮、乙醚]→[25℃, 4h]垂体后叶粉
垂体后叶粉的精制 将垂体后叶粉加入0.25%的乙酸分别提取两次,第1次加入5倍量,第2次加入2倍量,各于50℃搅拌提取15min,过滤。两次提取完毕,合并滤液,将滤液迅速加热至100℃,保持15min,趁热加入0.5%三氯叔丁醇(体积比为1:1,必要时加活性炭处理),速冷至30℃以下,冷藏过夜后,反复过滤至澄清。乙酸浸出液含无效蛋白质与自解酶,加热可使其凝固和破坏(注意:缩宫素的催产效价在碱性或强酸下易失效。在弱酸如pH3-4时稳定,且100℃流通蒸气灭菌30min或热压灭菌亦稳定)。
垂体后叶粉[0.25%乙酸]→[50℃, 15min]滤液[0.5%三氯叔丁醇]→[冷藏, 过滤]精制后叶粉液
后叶粉注射液制剂的制备 测定后叶粉液的效价后,加注射用水使其达到10.5 U/ml,并加适量三氯叔丁醇达到0.5%,用冰醋酸调pH为3.5,用垂熔漏斗过滤,灌封,100℃流通蒸气灭菌半小时,即得垂体后叶注射液成品。
神经垂体素 化学药品说明书
神经垂体素 价格(试剂级)
更新日期 | 产品编号 | 产品名称 | CAS号 | 包装 | 价格 |
2025-02-08 | HY-P0176 | 神经垂体素 | 127317-03-7 | 500 μg | 800 |
2025-02-08 | HY-P0176 | 神经垂体素 | 127317-03-7 | 1 mg | 1250 |