An alkaloid of this name was discovered by Tanret but when this alkaloid was
shown to be (±)-pelletierine, the name was adopted for this particular base
isolated from Punica granatum. The alkaloid is an oily liquid which yields a
number of well crystalline salts and derivative: the hydrochloride, m.p. 143°C;
hydrobromide, m.p. 149°C; picrate, m.p. 147 -8°C and the picrolonate, m.p. 185-6°C. The N-acetyl derivative is an oily liquid, b.p. 110-5°C/0.I mm while
the N-benzoyl compound is crystalline with m.p. 72-4°C. The alkaloid may be
prepared by the demethylation of methylisopelletierine, the action being revers_x0002_ible.
Tanret., Compt. rend., 88, 716 (1879)
Tanret., ibid, 90, 696 (1880)
Hesse., Rev. trav. Chim., 52, 1005 (1919)
Hess, Littman., Annalen, 494, 7 (1932)
Wibaut, Kloppenburg, Beets., Rev. trav. Chim., 63, 134 (1944)
Anet, Hughes, Ritchie., Nature, 164, 50 I (1949)
Galinovsky, Branchetti, Vogl.,Monatsh., 84, 1221 (1953)
Galinovsky, Hollinger., ibid, 85, 1012 (1954)
Wibaut, Hirschel., Rev. trav. Chim., 75,225 (1956)