Ytterbium is being applied to numerous fiber amplifier and fiber optic technologies and in various lasing applications.
Ytterbium metal increases its electrical resistance when subjected to very high stresses. This property is used in stress gauges for monitoring ground deformations from earthquakes and nuclear explosions.
Ytterbium can also be used as a dopant to help improve the grain refinement, strength, and other mechanical properties of stainless steel. Some Ytterbium alloys have rarely been used in dentistry.
It is also used as in thermal barrier system bond coatings on nickel, iron and other transitional metal alloy substrates.
Ytterbium Metal, is being applied in improving the grain refinement, strength, and other mechanical properties of stainless steel and alloys. The 169Yb has been used as a radiation source in portable X-ray machines.169Yb is also used in nuclear medicine.