Guanabenz is an α2-adrenergic agonist that exhibits pronounced hypotensive action, and
that is associated with a reduction of overall peripheral vascular resistance, decline in frequency
of cardiac contractions, and reduced cardiac output.
It is used both independently and in combination with oral diuretics for treating various
degrees of hypertension.
ChEBI: Guanabenz is a dichlorobenzene.
A mixture of 14.0 g of 2,6-dichlorobenzaldehyde, 10.8 g of aminoguanidine
bicarbonate and 100 ml of pyridine was refluxed for 3 hours. The reaction
mixture was poured into water and the crystalline precipitate filtered off; MP
225°C to 227°C.
Guanabenz, [(2,6-dichlorobenzyliden) amino] guanidine (22.3.1), is synthesized
in one step by reacting 2,6-dichlorobenzaldehyde with amino guanidine.

Crystallise the guanidine from MeCN and store it in a CO2–free atmosphere. The monoHCl [23256-5-0] has m 178o(dec) [solubility w% at 25o is 1.1(H2O), 5(EtOH), 0.1(EtOAc), 0.06(CHCl3)]. It is an antihypertensive drug. [Holmes et al. Drugs 26 212 1983.]