Spin trap. Undergoes various addition, reduction, and oxidation reactions.
Spin trap reagent. Has been used in the study of oxidative DNA damage and nitroso-compound-induced respiratory burst in neutrophils3,4.
ChEBI: A nitroso compound that is the nitroso derivative of benzene; a diamagnetic hybrid of singlet O2 and azobenzene.
Steam distil nitrosobenzene, then crystallise it from a small volume of EtOH with cooling below 0o, dry it over CaCl2 in a dessicator at atmospheric pressure, and store it under N2 at 0o. Alternatively it can be distilled onto a cold finger cooled with brine at ~-10o in a vacuum at 17mm (water pump), while heating in a water bath at 65-70o [Robertson & Vaughan J Chem Educ 27 605 1950]. [Beilstein 5 IV 702.]