健常高齢者におけるGHの低下を若年者レベルまで回復させるGH補充療法の試みは,lean body mass(LBM;除脂肪体重)の増加,体脂肪の減少,椎体骨骨密度の増加などの有益な効果が報告された.しかしながらその後の追試研究では,体構成変化には再現性が認められたものの,筋力増強を伴う明確な日常機能の向上を認めず,むしろGH 補充により末梢性浮腫,関節痛などの副作用も比較的高頻度に出現した.2009年,国際組織であるGrowth Hormone Research Society(GRS)は,健康寿命の達成を目的とするアンチエイジング医療としてのGH 補充治療は現時点では推奨しないとの見解を発表しており,わが国でも医療保険上,その目的での適応は認められていない.[柳瀬敏彦]
Somatotropin (STH) has been used to study its effects on repressing hepatic H2S production post-transcriptionally. It has also been used as one of the components of a medium to culture primordial follicles.
Hormone secreted by the anterior
lobe of the pituitary. It causes an increase in general
body growth and also affects carbohydrate and lipid
Somatotropin or growth hormone is a peptide hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It is essential for growth. The hormone increases muscle mass, reduces fat mass, helps in maintaining normal blood glucose levels and also promotes a balanced lipid profile.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Increased insulin resistance
Type 2 diabetes
Swelling in the arms and legs (edema)
Joint and muscle pain
For men, enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia)