そのため、溶媒に溶かして使用する際には、求核性のない溶媒を選択することが大切です。クロロホルム、ジクロロメタン、 ピリジンには可溶ですが、二硫化炭素と四塩化炭素には不溶であることが知られています。
水, エタノールと反応し分解する。水と激しく反応し、分解して硫酸及び塩酸を生じる。
クロロ硫酸.クロロトリオキソ硫(Ⅵ)酸水素ともいう.クロロスルホン酸は旧名.発煙硫酸に氷冷しつつ塩酸を通すか,五塩化リンを反応させると得られる.無色の発煙性,刺激臭のある液体.融点-80 ℃,沸点151~152 ℃.密度1.75 g cm-3.水とはげしく反応してH2SO4とHClになる.スルホン化剤や塩素化剤に用いられる.腐食性が強く,皮膚をおかす.有毒.
Chlorosulfonic acid, ClS03H, also known as chlorosulfuric acid and sulfuric chlorohydrin, is an colorless to light yellow oily liquid. It is formed from sulfur trioxide and hydrogen chloride, but decomposes in water to form hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid.It is a vigorous dehydrating agent and is used in manufacturing synthetic drugs,poison gas, and saccharin.
Chlorosulfonic acid is used as detergent and as an anti-contrail agent. It is used as an intermediate in the production of other substances such as pharmaceuticals and chemicals. It finds application in producing smoke screens.
A colorless to yellow colored fuming liquid with a pungent odor. Density 14.7 lb / gal. Causes severe burns. Very toxic by inhalation. Corrosive to metals.
Chlorosulfonic acid is a strong oxidizing acid. Reacts violently with water, strong mineral acids and bases, alcohols, finely dispersed organic matter. Dangerously incompatible with combustible materials, nitrates, chlorates, metallic powders, carbides, picrates, and fulminates. Undergoes possibly violent reactions with acetic acid, acetic anhydride, acetonitrile, acrolein, acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, alkali, allyl alcohol, allyl chloride, ammonium hydroxide, aniline, butyraldehyde, cresol, cumene, diethyleneglycol methyl ether, diisopropyl ether, diphenyl ether, ethyl acetate, ethyl acrylate, ethylene chlorohydrin, ethylenediamine, ethylene glycol, glyoxal, hydrocarbons (hexane, heptane), hydrogen peroxide, isoprene, powdered metals, methyl ethyl ketone, propylene oxide, vinyl acetate. When heated to decomposition, Chlorosulfonic acid emits toxic fumes of hydrogen chloride and oxides of sulfur [Sax, 9th ed., 1996, p. 831]. Reaction with phosphorus accelerates out of control and culminates in an explosion [Heumann, K. et al., Ber., 1882, 15, p. 417]. Mixing chlorosulfuric acid and 98% sulfuric acid may evolve HCl [Subref: Anon, Loss Prev. Bull. 1977, (013), 2-3].
Toxic by inhalation; strong irritant to eyes
and skin; causes severe burns. Can ignite combustible materials. Evolves hydrogen on contact
with most metals.
INHALATION: vapor extremely irritating to lungs and mucous membranes. Vapor has such a sharp and pentrating odor that inhalation of severely toxic quantities is unlikely unless it is impossible to escape the fumes. CONTACT WITH EYES OR SKIN: liquid acid will severely burn body tissue.
1. 有機化学における反応剤
2. その他
水と反応して塩酸と硫酸の白い煙を形成することから、軍事舞台で使用される煙幕の原料としても使用したり、 ステルス爆撃機のエンジン排気による飛行機雲の発生を抑えることを目的に、排気中の水分を吸着させるために排気中に散布したりします。
A poison irritant. See
also SULFURIC ACID. Chlorosulfonic acid
is corrosive, can cause severe acid burns and
is very irritating to the eyes, lungs, and
mucous membranes. It can cause acute toxic
effects either in the liquid or vapor state.
Inhalation of concentrated vapor may cause
loss of consciousness with serious damage
to lung tissue. Contact of liquid with the
eyes can cause severe burns if the liquid is
not immediately and completely removed. It
also causes severe sh burns due to its
highly corrosive action. Upon ingestion it
Used to make pesticides, detergents, pharmaceuticals, dyes, resins, sulfonated oils; intermediate for dyes and pharmaceuticals; and pesticides. Although no military designation has been assigned chlorosulfonic acid may have been used as a choking/pulmonary agent
UN1754 Chlorosulfonic acid (with or without sulfur trioxide), Hazard class: 8; Labels: 8-Corrosive material, 6.1-Poison Inhalation Hazard, Inhalation Hazard Zone B.
Distil the acid in an all-glass apparatus, taking the fraction boiling at 156-158o. It reacts EXPLOSIVELY with water [Cremlyn Chlorosulfonic acid: A Versatile Reagent, Royal Society of Chemistry UK, 2002, p 308, ISBN 0854044981, Fehér in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Ed. Brauer) Academic Press Vol I p 385 1963].
Explosively reacts with water, forming sulfuric and hydrochloric acid and dense fumes. Dangerously reactive, avoid contact with all other material. Violent reaction with many compounds, including reducing agents; alcohols, chemically active metals; combustible materials, strong acids, alkaline earth sulfides, aluminum carbides, aluminum, amines, calcium sulfide, carbides, chlorine trifluoride, glycerin, hydrides, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydroxylamine, magnesium, metal powders, metal sulfides, molybdenum, phenylhydrazine, phosphorous red/friction, phosphorous trichloride, silicon, sulfides, sulfur, sulfur dioxide, sulfur/ friction, sulfuric acid, tungsten, hydrogen trisulfide, diphenyl ether, finely divided metals, silver nitrate. Contact with phosphorous may cause fire and explosions. Forms explosive material with ethyl alcohol. Attacks many metals; reaction with steel drums forms explosive hydrogen gas, which must be periodically relieved.