MOL File11006-56-7.mol
ビタミンB15 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
水溶性のビタミン様物質のひとつ。ビタミンEに似た抗酸化作用をもつビタミン様物質。ビール酵母、玄米、かぼちゃの種子、ごま、無精白の穀類などに多く含まれる。ビタミンB15,ビタミンBと名前につくが、ビタミンB群には属さず、ビタミンA・ビタミンEとともに摂取すると効果が増す。肝機能の維持・向上、解毒作用があるほか、細胞の寿命を延ばす、環境汚染物質から体を守る、疲労回復、肌の老化防止、免疫力の向上、がんや生活習慣病の予防・改善などの作用をもつと推察される。◇「バンガム酸」または「バンガミン酸」ともいう。 講談社 漢方薬・生薬・栄養成分がわかる事典について 情報
Pangamic acid, also called pangamate, is the name given to the chemical compound described as d-glucono dimethyl amino acetic acid, initially promoted by Ernst T. Krebs, Sr. and his son Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. as a medicinal compound for use in treatment of a wide range of diseases. They also termed this chemical "Vitamin B15", though it is not a true vitamin, has no nutritional value, has no known use in the treatment of any disease and has been called a "quack remedy." Although a number of compounds labelled "pangamic acid" have been studied or sold, no chemical compound, including those claimed by the Krebses to be pangamic acid, has been scientifically verified to have the characteristics that defined the original description of the compound. -
Pangamic acid is the name given to the chemical compound with the empirical formula C10H19O8N and a molecular weight of 281 which appeared to be an ester derived from d-gluconic acid and dimethylglycine. In 1943, the Krebses applied for a patent for a process for extracting this chemical compound which they reported had been previously isolated from apricot seeds, and received the patent in 1949. A 1951 paper by the Krebses reported the first isolation of this compound using this patented process, but did not include enough information to confirm that this compound was actually isolated. In 1955, the Krebses received a patent for another synthesizing process for "N-substituted glycine esters of gluconic acid," but the patent contained no supporting data to confirm the process was able to synthesize compounds described by the patent, including pangamic acid.
Subsequent attempts at synthesizing this ester by other researchers found Krebs' purported methods of producing pangamic acid were not reproducible, and research into pangamic acid have focused on compounds of various chemical compositions. A review noted that of all the chemicals described in research about pangamic acid, "[n]ot a single product labeled "pangamate" or "B15" has been established in a scientifically verifiable manner to conform to the empiric formula" described by the Krebses. Analysis of a sample of a compound called "pangamic acid" which was provided by a co-worker of the Krebses in the 1950s showed only lactose upon further evaluation by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Thus, "pangamic acid" is more a label used to describe one of any number of chemical compounds rather than a particular substance.
Chemical compounds sold as "pangamic acid" for medicinal purposes have also had various chemical compositions, and suppliers of "pangamic acid" have regularly changed the chemical composition of the compounds sold under this label. . -
Positive results from mutagenicity analysis via the Ames test of compounds commonly found in preparations labelled "pangamic acid" including diisopropylamine dichloroacetate, diisopropylamine, dichloroacetate, as well as dimethylglycine mixed with sodium nitrite suggests there may be concern for the development of cancer with the use of these substances.
ビタミンB15 生産企業
Henan Fengda Chemical Co., Ltd
電話番号 +86-371-86557731<br/>+86-13613820652
電子メール info@fdachem.com
Shaanxi TNJONE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
電話番号 +8618092446649
電子メール sarah@tnjone.com
Shaanxi Pioneer Biotech Co., Ltd .
電話番号 +8613259417953
電子メール sales@pioneerbiotech.com
電話番号 +86-023-6139-8061<br/>+86-86-13650506873
電子メール sales@chemdad.com
電話番号 +86-0371-86658258<br/>+8613203830695
電子メール laboratory@coreychem.com
Dideu Industries Group Limited
電話番号 +86-29-89586680<br/>+86-15129568250
電子メール 1026@dideu.com
電話番号 +86-0571-85134551
電子メール sales@afinechem.com
Baoji Guokang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
電話番号 0917-3909592<br/>13892490616
電子メール gksales1@gk-bio.com
電話番号 02120970332;<br/>+8613524231522
電子メール sales@zhuoerchem.com
電話番号 +8618058761490
電子メール info@gihichemicals.com