水に不溶, エタノールに難溶, アセトンに易溶。アセトンに溶けやすく、エタノールにやや溶けにくく、水に極めて溶けにくい。
フェノチアジン,黄色の板状晶.融点182 ℃,沸点290 ℃(5.3 kPa).ベンゼン,エーテルに可溶,水に不溶.昇華性で,空気中で光により酸化されやすい.塩化鉄(Ⅲ)のエタノール溶液で緑色を呈する.銅と煮沸するとカルバゾールを与える.殺菌,殺虫,駆虫薬として用いられる.LD50 5000 mg/kg(ラット,静口).
Phenothiazine was initially synthesized in 1883 by Bernthsen.
It was the basis for the development of other drugs including
the phenothiazine class of antipsychotics or neuroleptics.
Phenothiazines are the largest class of neuroleptics and
include agents such as chlorpromazine, thioridazine, and
prochlorperazine. In 1933, a derivative of phenothiazine,
promethazine, was synthesized. It was found to have much
more significant sedative and antihistaminic effects than
previous derivatives of phenothiazine and it was used to
induce sedation for surgical patients. After promethazine was
developed, a series of agents, including chlorpromazine, was
synthesized and tested in France at a military hospital by the
French physician Laborit. Laborit found that chlorpromazine
induced calm in patients and had other effects that might be useful clinically. Chlorpromazine, known colloquially as
‘Laborit’s drug’ was released into the market in 1953 after
a trial published in 1952 showed efficacy in treatment of
psychosis in 38 individuals who received daily injections of
chlorpromazine. Chlorpromazine is the prototypical drug for
the phenothiazine class of antipsychotics. The phenothiazines
are classified as low-potency antipsychotics and have more
side effects at standard doses than the newer agents used as
neuroleptics. For example, they are more anticholinergic and
have more extrapyramidal effect than newer agents.
Phenothiazine is a greenish-yellow to greenish-gray crystalline substance. Slight odor and taste.
Phenothiazines are neuroleptic agents that affect a variety of
receptors including dopaminergic receptor sites. Phenothiazines
are used to treat psychosis including schizophrenia;
violent, agitated, disturbed behavior; and mania secondary to
bipolar disorder. Other uses include treatment of pain, headache,
hiccups, acute severe anxiety, idiopathic dystonia,
withdrawal, taste disorders, leishmaniasis, acute intermittent
porphyria, and alleviation of nausea and vomiting.
Phenothiazines allow smoother induction of anesthesia,
potentiate anesthetic agents, and treat behavioral symptoms
secondary to Alzheimer disease and senile dementia. Some
phenothiazines exert an antipruritic effect and are useful for
the treatment of neurodermatitis and pruriginous eczema, and
relieve psychogenic itching.
ChEBI: The 10H-tautomer of phenothiazine.
Light green to steel-blue powder. Acquires a greenish-brown tint under exposure to sunlight.
Insoluble in water.
Phenothiazine is slowly decomposed by sunlight. . Organosulfides are incompatible with acids, diazo and azo compounds, halocarbons, isocyanates, aldehydes, alkali metals, nitrides, hydrides, and other strong reducing agents. Reactions with these materials generate heat and in many cases hydrogen gas. Many of these compounds may liberate hydrogen sulfide upon decomposition or reaction with an acid.
Flash point data for Phenothiazine are not available, but Phenothiazine is probably combustible.
図3. フェノチアジンの酸化体
通常の保管条件では安定ですが、 加熱または酸との接触により分解し、窒素酸化物、硫黄酸化物などの刺激性有毒物質を与えるとされる物質です。保管時には加熱と酸を避け、容器を密閉して冷乾所にて保存するべきとされます。
フェノチアジンの誘導体の1つに、メチレンブルー (染料、酸化還元指示薬) があります。また、抗精神病薬として、アルキルアミノ側鎖を持つプロマジンがよく知られており、更にプロマジンの誘導体群も統合失調症などに対する抗精神病薬として知られています。具体例は以下のとおりです。
- プロマジン
- クロルプロマジン
- アセプロマジン
- レボメプロマジン
- プロメタジン (抗パーキンソン剤。抗ヒスタミン薬としても用いられる。)
- 皮膚刺激
- 肝臓、腎臓、血液、神経系、循環器系の障害
- 呼吸器への刺激
- 水生生物に対する非常に強い毒性
そのため、化審法では、第3種監視化学物質に指定されており、労働安全衛生法では 名称等を表示すべき危険有害物に指定されている物質です。法令を遵守して正しく取り扱うことが求められます。
Poison by intravenous route. Moderately toxic to humans by ingestion. Experimental reproductive effects. An insecticide. Large doses, i.e., heavy exposure, may cause hemolytic anemia and toxic degeneration of the liver. Can cause skin irritation and photosensitization. Dangerous; when heated to decomposition or on contact with acid or acid fumes it emits hghly toxic fumes of SOx and NOx.
Phenothiazine is used as an insecticide; as a base for the manufacture of tranquilizers; as anthelmintic in medicine and veterinary medicine; it is used widely as an intermediate in pharmaceutical manufacture; polymerization inhibitor, antioxidant.
Physicochemical Properties
Phenothiazine has the standard formula S(C6H4)2NH and
includes a tricyclic structure that is related to the thiazines.
Thiazines are used in the manufacture of synthetic dies.
Chlorpromazine is a white to off-white substance (both the base
and the hydrochloride salt) that is a powder or waxy solid as
a base and a crystalline powder as the hydrochloride. Chlorpromazine
is odorless or has a slightly amine-like odor. It has
a melting point of 56–58 °C and in the basic form is practically
insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, and less soluble in chloroform
and ether. It is freely soluble in dilute mineral acids. As
the hydrochloride salt, chlorpromazine is soluble in water, less
soluble in alcohol and chloroform, and insoluble in ether. A
10% aqueous solution has a pH of 3.5–4.5.
UN3077 Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., Hazard class: 9; Labels: 9-Miscellaneous hazardous material, Technical Name Required
図2. フェノチアジンの合成
Crystallise it from *benzene, toluene, hexane or Me2CO (charcoal) after boiling for 10minutes under reflux. Filter the crystals off and dry them in an oven at 100o, then in a vacuum desiccator over paraffin chips. Also recrystallise it twice from water and dry it in an oven at 100o for 8-10hours. It sublimes at 130o/1mm and has UV with at 253nm in heptane. [Beilstein
Organosulfides are incompatible with strong acids and acid fumes; elevated temperatures; sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides can be produced. Contact with strong reducing agents such as hydrides; azo and diazo compounds, halocarbons, isocyanates can generate heat and may form explosive hydrogen gas
Dissolve in combustible solvent and spray into incinerator equipped with afterburner and scrubber. In accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be disposed properly by following package label directions or by contacting your local or federal environmental control agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office.