The Preparative Method of Cyclohexyl Chloroformate: a 1 L round-bottomed flask equipped with a delivery tube extending to the bottom of the flask, a pressure-equalizing addition funnel and a cold-finger condenser cooled with dry ice-acetone were placed in an ice bath. The exit tube of the condenser was connected to a CaCl2 drying tube and a suitable trap for phosgene and HCl. Phosgene was introduced into the flask until 109 g (1.1 mol) had been condensed. The reaction flask was stirred while 100 g (1 mol) of cyclohexyl alcohol was added through the dropping funnel at a rate to keep the mixture in gentle reflux for 1 h. The flask was allowed to stand at room temperature with stirring for 2 h. The solution was then concentrated under reduced pressure at room temperature to remove HCl and the excess phosgene. The residue may be used without further purification.
When stored for a prolonged period, it decomposes to CO2 and cyclohexyl chloride. Store in a refrigerator. Bottles may develop pressure and should be cooled before opening. Use in a fume hood. It is irritating to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
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