Chemical Properties
Clear colorless to yellow liquid
Chlorodiphenylmethane was used as initiator during the controlled radical polymerization of styrene catalyzed by ionic iron complex. It was also used as the starting reagent in the synthesis of trimethylhydroquinone derivatives.
Benzhydryl chloride is used as a pharmaceutical intermediate, such as diphenhydramine intermediate.
Chlorodiphenylmethane was synthesized by the radical substitution reaction between diphenylmethane and chlorine gas.
Purification Methods
Diphenylmethyl chloride (benzhydryl chloride) [90-99-3] M 202.7, m 17.0o, b 140o/3mm, 1 6 7o/17mm, n 1.5960. Dry the chloride with Na2SO4 and fractionally distil it under reduced pressure. [Beilstein 5 H 590, 5 I 278, 5 II 500, 5 III 1790, 5 IV 1847.]