Chemical Properties
yellow hygroscopic powder(s); used as a catalyst for organic reactions [CRC10] [HAW93]
Catalyst for organic reactions.
Sodium tetrachloroaluminate is used as Friedel-Crafts acylating agent , dehydrating and dehydrogenating agent in organic synthesis.
A water-soluble pow-
der used as catalyst in organic reactions.
reaction suitability
reagent type: catalyst
core: aluminum
The stoichiometric
amounts of C.P. NaCl and freshly sublimed AlCl3 are introduced into the
pear-shaped part of the reaction vessel.
The filling is done under nitrogen and
the vessel should be very clean and dry.
A melting point capillary is then affixed
underneath the ground joint; the apparatus is evacuated to a high vacuum. Preparation torch-sealed. It is then immersed as
of sodium tetrachloro- deeply as possible in an oil bath at
aluminate. 200-240°C. The AlCl3, which tends to
sublime onto the cool parts of the wall,
is driven back by passing a luminous flame over the condensate
spots. When the flask contents have become a nearly clear melt,
they are poured hot into the side flask of the vessel. The product
solidifies on cooling.
NaCl + A1Cl3 = NaAlCl4