N-Acetylpuromycin is a non-ribotoxic form of the antibiotic puromycin that is formed in puromycin-resistant
S. alboniger that endogenously express puromycin-acetyltransferase. In AD293(Pr) cells that express puromycin-N-acetyltransferase, the enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of N-acetylpuromycin, puromycin application induces downregulation of the negative regulators of TGF-β signalling SnoN and Ski without activating MAPK or inhibition of protein synthesis.
N-Acetylpurinomycin downregulates SnoN and Ski protein expression and promotes TGF-β signaling, independently of MAPK activation.
1) Hernandez-Damian?et al. (2013),?Downregulation of SnoN oncoprotein induced by antibiotics anisomycin and puromycin positively regulates transforming growth factor-β signals; Biochim. Biophys. Acta,?1830?5049