This base is isolated, together with Guvacine (q.v.) from the nuts of Areca
catechu. It is optically inactive and yields crystalline salts: the hydrochloride,
m.p. 231°C; aurich1oride, m.p. 198- 200°C and the p1atinich1oride, m.p. 235°C.
The alkaloid is faintly acid to litmus and on methylation gives the N-methyl
derivative which, on more vigorous methylation yields the dimethyl compound
giving a crystalline platinichloride, m.p. 252°C. The above melting points suggest
that the base may be mainly Arecaidine (q.v.) but on distillation with Zn dust,
it yields products with the characteristic pyrrole reaction.
Chemical Properties
bp 195-197°C
A GABAA receptor agonist. Anticonvulsant; antiepileptic.
ChEBI: Isoguvacine is a tetrahydropyridine.
Biological Activity
Specific GABA A receptor agonist.
Jahns., Ber., 21,3404 (1888)
Jahns., ibid, 23, 2972 (1890)
Jahns., ibid, 24,2615 (1891)
Jahns., Arch. Pharrn., 229, 669 (1891)
Trier., Zeit. Physiol. Chern., 85,372 (1913)