Chemical Properties
Colorless liquid; darkens on exposure tolight and air; polymerizes; boils at 166°C(330.8°F); melts at -2°C (28.4°F); alkaline, pKa 3.1; density 0.845 at 20°C (68°F);slightly soluble in water and chloroform,readily soluble in most organic solvents.
Coniine is present in all parts of the plantpoison hemlock (Conium maculatum). It isthe first alkaloid to be synthesized and structure determined. Because of its high toxicity,its clinical application is very limited.
Health Hazard
Coniine is a highly toxic alkaloid. Thetoxic symptoms from ingestion are weakness,drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, muscle contraction, and labored breathing. A high dosecan cause convulsions, cyanosis, asphyxia,and death. Chronic ingestion of coniine produced adverse reproductive effects and spe cific developmental abnormalities in cattles.LD50 value, oral (mice): 100 mg/kg.