Synthesis Reference(s)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118, p. 7716, 1996
DOI: 10.1021/ja9610287
General Description
Liquid. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water.
Air & Water Reactions
Insoluble in water.
Reactivity Profile
DECYL ACRYLATE reacts exothermically with acids to give n-decyl alcohol and acrylic acid. May react vigorous with strong oxidizing acids and generate enough heat to ignite the reaction products. Interaction with caustic solutions also generates heat. Incompatible with alkali metals and hydrides. Polymerizes readily in the presence of heat and light generating much heat. [Handling Chemicals Safely, 1980. p. 250]. Burns to give acrid smoke and fumes that contain toxic acrylic acid, one of the most serious eye injury chemcials and a severe skin irritant.
Health Hazard
INHALATION: Higher concentrations may cause pronounced pulmonary irritation or edema. Prolonged contact may cause severe damage to tissues. May be fatal if swallowed or absorbed through skin.