Chemical Properties
The oil is obtained in approximately 0.7% yields by steam distillation after maceration in water of the comminuted
dried roots. Since the oil contains water-soluble components and has a specific gravity similar to that of water, it is subsequently
recovered from the distillation waters by extraction with solvents. The oil has a characteristic persistent odor reminiscent of orris,
violet and vetiver.
Physical properties
Costus oil is a viscous, pale-yellow to yellowish-brown liquid. It is soluble in most fixed oils and
in mineral oil. It is insoluble in glycerin and propylene glycol.
Essential oil EP Reference standard, intended for use in laboratory tests only as specifically prescribed in the European Pharmacopoeia.
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. Saussurea lappa, Compositae.
Essential oil composition
The main constituents include myrcene, p-cymene, l-limalool, β-ionone, sesquiterpenes, costolactone
and a small amount of palmitic acid.