(S)?-?1-?(Naphthalen-?1-?yl)?ethanol is a building block used in the synthesis of novel 2,4-diaminoquinazoline derivatives as SMN2 promoter activators for the potential treatment of spinal muscular atrophy.
Purification Methods
Purify the alcohol by recrystallisation from Et2O/pet ether, Et2O, hexane [Balfe et al. J Chem Soc 797 1946, IR, NMR: Theisen & Heathcock J Org Chem 53 2374 1988, see also Fredga et al. Acta Chem Scand 11 1609 1957]. The RS-alcohol [57605-95-5] has m 63-65o, 65-66o from hexane. [Beilstein 6 III 3034, 6 IV 4346.]