Antidote (to heparin).
Protamine sulfate has been used in the transduction of
- lentiviruses into human embryonic 293T cells
- shRNA into mesenchymal stem cells/marrow stromal cells (MSC)
- lenti Sca1-OCT4 plasmid into human cord blood hematopoietic progenitor CD34+ cells
General Description
Protamine sulfate has an anticoagulanteffect, but if used in the proper amount, it counteractsthe action of heparin and is used as an antidote for thelatter in cases of overdosage. It is administered intravenouslyin a dose that depends on the circumstances.
Biochem/physiol Actions
Alkaline protamine binds to negatively charged heparin. Use of protamine during cardiovascular surgery sometime triggers anaphylactic reactions.
Veterinary Drugs and Treatments
Protamine is used in all species for the treatment of heparin overdosage
when significant bleeding occurs. While protamine will neutralize
the anti-thrombin effects of low molecular weight heparins
(e.g., dalteparin or enoxaparin), it does not completely inhibit their
anti-Xa activity. Laboratory animal studies however, shows it does
improve microvascular bleeding associated with LMWH overdoses.
Protamine has been suggested for use for Bracken Fern toxicity in
ruminants (see Doses).