A minor alkaloid obtained from Thermopsis rhombifolia (Watt), Richards, the
base was originally given the empirical formula ClsH2002N2, but subsequently
changed to that given. It is strongly laevorotatory with [α]
25D - 232.4° (c 2.13,
EtOH) and yields crystalline salts including the hydrochloride, m.p. 256-8°C
(dec.) which sublimes at l20°CjO.000l mm; the perchlorate, m.p. 243-5°C (dec.);
platinichloride, m.p. 268° C and the picrate, m.p. 226°C (dec.).
Manske, Marion., Can. J. Res., 20B, 265 (1942)
Manske, Marion., ibid, 21B, 144 (1943)
Cockburn, Marion., Can. J. Chem., 30,92 (1952)
van Tamelen, Baran.,J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 71,4944 (1955)