Lugol'S Iodine is a medication and disinfectant used for a number of purposes.Taken by mouth it is used to treat thyrotoxicosis until surgery can be carried out, protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine, and to treat iodine deficiency.When applied to the cervix it is used to help in screening for cervical cancer.As a disinfectant it may be applied to small wounds such as a needle stick injury.A small amount may also be used for emergency disinfection of drinking water.
Lugol'S Iodine is a solution of potassium iodide with iodine in water.
Mechanism of action
The above uses and effects are consequences of the fact that the solution is a source of effectively free elemental iodine, which is readily generated from the equilibrium between elemental iodine molecules and polyiodide ions in the solution.
Side effects
Side effects may include allergic reactions, headache, vomiting, and conjunctivitis.Long term use may result in trouble sleeping and depression.It should not typically be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The most commonly used (nominal) 5% solution consists of 5% (wt/v) iodine (I2) and 10% (wt/v) potassium iodide (KI) mixed in distilled water and has a total iodine content of 126.4 mg/mL. The (nominal) 5% solution thus has a total iodine content of 6.32 mg per drop of 0.05 mL; the (nominal) 2% solution has 2.53 mg total iodine content per drop.