2-DODECYLCYCLOBUTANONE;2-Dodecylcyclobutanone, 98%, mixture of keto- and enolisomers;2-DODECYLCYCLOBUTANONE, STANDARD FORFOOD ANALYSIS;2-Dodecylcyclobutanone, mixture of keto- and enolisomers, 98%;2-DODECYLCYCLOBUTANON;Cyclobutanone, 2-dodecyl-
2-Dodecylcyclobutanone is formed when fat, particularly palmitic acid, is irradiated. It falls under the class of 2-alkylcyclobutanones which are under investigation as possible food contaminants. 2-Dodecylcyclobutanone has been found to be genotoxic in primary human colon cells.