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网站主页 化工产品目录 生物化工 提取物 蓝莓提取物 天一生物越橘提取物Bilberry Extract 花青素25%
  • 天一生物越橘提取物Bilberry Extract 花青素25%

天一生物越橘提取物Bilberry Extract 花青素25%

Bilberry Extract
陕西 更新日期:2012-03-27


联系人:helen duan
手机:13474153581 拨打


天一生物越橘提取物Bilberry Extract 花青素25%
Bilberry Extract

[品    名] 越橘提取物Bilberry Extract
[产品来源] 本品为杜鹃花科越橘属多年生落叶或常绿果树的野生浆果的提取物。落叶灌木,高至40厘米,花白色或粉红色,浆果黑色至紫色,是多年生小灌木果树,果实为浆果,蓝色或红色,近圆形。
[产品性状] 本品为紫红色精细粉末。
[有效成分] 花青素 
[产品含量] 按干燥品计,花青素含量不小于25%。
[检测方法] UV
[包装方法] 常规内双层塑料袋,外纸板桶(25公斤/桶),可根据客户需要协商小包装
[药理作用]  越橘提取物可用于治疗糖尿病,视网膜模糊,白内障,青光眼,退化性斑点,静脉扩张、眼底出血等诸多眼病。越橘提取物增强毛细血管、降低损伤;促进伤口愈合、提高视觉、预防糖尿病,视网膜模糊、白内障、预防静脉扩张、眼底出血。花青素是一种强有力的抗氧化剂,它能够保护人体免受一种叫做自由基的有害物质的损伤。花青素还能够增强血管弹性,改善循环系统和增进皮肤的光滑度,抑制炎症和过敏,改善关节的柔韧性

ISO9001,Kosher,Organic certificated
[Product Name]: Bilberry Extract
Botanical Source: Vaccinnium Macrocarpon L
Appearance: Red-Brown
Part of the Plant Used: Fruit
Specification: 25% Anthocyanosides UV ,Water: not more than 5.0%
[Indications and Uses]:
Modern laboratory studies on bilberry fruit extracts have confirmed a number of activities including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit aggregation of blood platelets (reduce stickiness, hence a tendency to clotting of blood cells), produce a slight relaxation effect on vascular smooth muscles, and a possible role in reducing factors associated with chronic inflammatory diseases. Extracts of the fruit have also been shown in laboratory experiments to inhibit enzymes such as elastase, which can cause the degradation of collagen. This can lead to a reduction in factors associated with inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, pulmonary emphysema, and rheumatoid arthritis.
[Safety Concerns]
Under recommended intakes, bilberry extract is safe. In some cases, it may even be recommended for use during pregnancy for prevention and treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. ALL women, however, who are pregnant or breastfeeding should check with her personal physician before taking this, or any, dietary supplement.

[ Dosage Information]
You can get all the anthocyanins you need by eating ? to 1 cup of fresh bilberry or blueberry with your breakfast. Standardized extracts are often more convenient, where doses should approximate 100 – 500 mg per day (25% anthocyanosides) in 2 to 3 divided doses.
[Packing Detail]:
Net weight: 25Kg per Drum Or as per customers request.
Store in a cool, dry and well-sealed container;Keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.
[Shelf life]:Two years under specified environment.
Medicinal Use: 
Proanthocyanidins are a powerful antioxidant, it can protect the body from a harmful substances called free radicals damage. Proanthocyanidins also be able to enhance blood vessel flexibility and improve circulation and enhance skin smoothness, inhibit inflammation and allergies, to improve joint flexibility.
Company: Acetar Bio-Tech Inc.
Add:  Room No.810, 8F, Block B, Huajing Business Building ,No.20 Fenghui South Road, Xi`an, 710075,China
Website Keyword: acetar 

越橘提取物,Bilberry Extract ,花青素25%

经营模式 工厂
主营行业 中草药提取物,维生素类,激素类

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