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网站主页 CYTOTELL活细胞染色蓝色 蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue
  • 蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue

蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue

CytoTell Blue
询价 500Tests 起订
湖北 更新日期:2024-08-15


手机:18771149750 拨打


蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue
CytoTell Blue
  • 中文名称

  • 蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue

  • 英文名字

  • CytoTell Blue

  • 供应商

  • AAT Bioquest

  • 产品货号

  • AAT-22252

  • 产品报价

  • ¥2332/2x500Tests

  • 产品说明书

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  • 购买方式

  • 银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868。

  • 产品新闻

  • 背景资料

  • Flow cytometry combined with fluorescence staining is a powerful tool to analyze heterogeneous cell populations。 Among all the existing fluorescent dyes CFSE is the preferred cell proliferation indicator that is widely used for live cell analysis。 However, it is impossible to use CFSE and its fluorescein analogs for GFP-transfected cells or for the applications where a FITC-labeled antibody is used since CFSE and its fluorescein analogs have the excitation and emission spectra almost identical to GFP or FITC。 CytoTell dyes are well excited at major laser lines such as 405 nm, 488 nm or 633 nm with multicolor emissions。 CytoTell dyes have minimal cytotoxicity, and are used for the multicolor applications with either GFP cell lines or FITC-labeled antibodies since they have either excitation or emission spectra distinct from fluorescein。 CytoTell Blue is a blue fluorescent dye that stains cells evenly。 As cells divide, the dye is distributed equally between daughter cells that can be measured as successive halving of the fluorescence intensity of the dye。 Cells labeled with Cell CytoTell Blue may be fixed and permeabilized for analysis of intracellular targets using standard formaldehyde-containing fixatives and saponin-based permeabilization buffers。 CytoTell Blue has a peak excitation of 405 nm and can be excited by the violet (405 nm) laser line。 It has a peak emission of 450 nm and can be detected with a 450/20 band pass filter (equivalent to Pacific Blue, or BD Horizon V450), making it compatible with applications that utilize GFP or FITC antibodies for multicolor cell analysis。

  • 产品描述

  • 蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue产品的光谱学相关参数为Ex(nm)=403/ Em(nm)454;其对应分子量大小为400。

  • 产品形式

  • 提供的蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue产品为固体形式,我们建议将其溶解到DMSO溶液中使用或保存。

  • 保存建议

  • 对于蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Blue产品,我们推荐使用常温进行运输。在您收到货物后,我们建议在低于-15℃温度下冷冻保存,要求储存环境干燥并避免光照。产品有效期为12个月。

  • 其他

  • 美国AAT Bioquest Inc。(前身是ABD Bioquest,Inc。)是一家为从事生命科学研究、诊断研发及药物开发的科学家研发、生产和销售生物分析研究试剂和试剂盒的公司。公司致力于光谱学检测领域,包括显色、荧光和生物发光技术。AAT Bioquest的产品帮助全世界的科学家和生物医药研究者更好的了解生物化学,免疫学,细胞生物学和分子生物学等领域。作为AAT Bioquest Inc。的中国区域代理,艾美捷科技为中国客户提供光谱学检测技术并应用于生化、生理代谢和细胞分析领域的产品,包括显色,荧光和发光技术等全系列解决方案。

蓝色活细胞荧光探针CytoTell Bl;



成立日期 (16年)
注册资本 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
员工人数 100-500人
年营业额 ¥ 1000万-5000万
经营模式 服务
主营行业 生化试剂,抗体,细胞培养,蛋白组学

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