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WebSite > CAS DataBase List >  58573-95-8More Spectrum > 4'-Heptyl-4-biphenylcarboxylic acid p-cyanophenyl ester(58573-95-8)13CNMR


4'-Heptyl-4-biphenylcarboxylic acid p-cyanophenyl ester

Product Name 4'-Heptyl-4-biphenylcarboxylic acid p-cyanophenyl ester




  • 58573-95-8_ms_1

    p-cyanophenyl 4'-heptyl-4-biphenylcarboxylate
    C27H27NO2           (Mass of molecular ion:    397)

       Source Temperature: 190 °C
       Sample Temperature: 130 °C
       Direct, 75 eV

          17.0       1.6
          18.0       6.6
          27.0       1.2
          28.0       1.1
          29.0       2.6
          39.0       1.2
          41.0       3.6
          43.0       5.8
          55.0       1.6
          57.0       3.6
          63.0       1.0
          64.0       1.0
          82.0       1.2
          97.0       1.7
         119.0       2.8
         121.0       1.8
         139.0       1.0
         152.0       4.4
         153.0       3.3
         165.0      11.6
         166.0      12.4
         167.0       5.7
         178.0       1.8
         179.0       1.2
         180.0       1.5
         191.0       1.9
         194.0       3.0
         195.0       1.0
         207.0       1.2
         277.0       1.1
         279.0     100.0
         280.0      22.4
         281.0       2.7
         397.0       1.2

400 MHz in CDCl3

  • 58573-95-8_1hnmr_1

    1H NMR 399.65 MHz
    C27 H27 N O2 0.045 g : 0.5 ml CDCl3
    p-cyanophenyl 4'-heptyl-4-biphenylcarboxylate
        Assign.     Shift(ppm)
    A 8.230 B 7.74 C 7.576 D 7.377 E 7.303 F 2.665 G 1.655 J 1.38 to 1.33 K 1.33 to 1.26 L 0.89

         Hz     ppm     Int.

       3295.04   8.245     79
       3293.21   8.241    472
       3291.26   8.236    157
       3288.33   8.229     35
       3286.50   8.224    161
       3284.55   8.219    516
       3282.71   8.214     79
       3098.14   7.753    119
       3097.53   7.751    136
       3095.83   7.747    972
       3093.75   7.742    328
       3088.99   7.730    325
       3086.91   7.725   1000
       3085.08   7.720    109
       3084.59   7.719    109
       3034.18   7.593     67
       3032.23   7.588    376
       3030.27   7.583    136
       3025.76   7.572    144
       3023.93   7.567    438
       3021.85   7.562     69
       2954.59   7.393     91
       2952.15   7.387    596
       2950.07   7.382    182
       2947.75   7.376     35
       2945.43   7.371    174
       2943.36   7.365    513
       2940.92   7.359     70
       2922.36   7.313    367
       2913.94   7.292    315
       1072.88   2.685    158
       1065.31   2.666    204
       1057.50   2.647    167
        676.64   1.694     33
        669.31   1.675     80
        662.23   1.658    114
        654.42   1.638     86
        646.85   1.619     39
        558.35   1.398     31
        552.61   1.383     63
        552.12   1.382     64
        543.21   1.360    201
        539.55   1.351    232
        535.52   1.340    250
        529.79   1.326    120
        526.12   1.317    165
        519.78   1.301    205
        516.72   1.293    256
        514.89   1.289    235
        510.50   1.278    169
        504.27   1.262     45
        503.78   1.261     46
        362.43   0.907    216
        355.59   0.890    704
        348.51   0.873    236

in CDCl3

  • 58573-95-8_13cnmr_1

KBr disc

  • 58573-95-8_ir1_1

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