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英文名称 中文名称 CAS
RNA Pulldown
WESTERN BLOT Service western blot服务
Cell culture 细胞培养
WB 硼化钨 12007-09-9
Dual luciferase reporter gene assay 双荧光素酶报告基因检测
RIP H-Tyr-Ser-Pro-Trp-Thr-Asn-Phe-OH 228544-21-6
Probe synthesis 探针合成
DNA methylation DNA甲基化
EVG staining EVG染色
PAS glycogen staining PAS糖原染色
Monoclonal antibody preparation services 单克隆抗体制备服务
Congo red staining 刚果红染色
Alkaline phosphatase staining 碱性磷酸酶染色
Whole gene synthesis 全基因合成
Chromatin immunoprecipitation CHIP 染色质免疫沉淀CHIP
Cell irradiation culture experiment service 细胞辐照培养实验服务
cell cycle 细胞周期
HE staining HE染色
MASSON staining Masson染色
Ali New Blue Dyeing 阿利新蓝染色
Laser confocal 激光共聚焦
Construction of resistant cell lines 耐药细胞株构建
Gastric epithelial cell culture experiment service 胃上皮细胞培养实验服务
Cell-induced adduction, osteogenesis, and neurogenic induction experimental services 细胞成脂、成骨、成神经诱导实验服务
Gene cloning 基因克隆
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) 免疫组化IHC
Sirius red staining 天狼猩红染色
Cell Proliferation 细胞增殖
Cell transfection 细胞转染
Adenovirus packaging 腺病毒包装
Primary cell cultures 原代细胞培养
Stable cell strain screening 稳定细胞株筛选
Cell Proliferation 细胞增殖
Oil red O staining 油红O染色
LFB myelin staining LFB髓鞘染色
Polyclonal antibody preparation services 多克隆抗体制备服务
Reticulated fiber dyeing silver dyeing experiment service 网状纤维染色银染实验服务
Prussian blue staining 普鲁士蓝染色
Gene cloning 基因克隆
Enzyme activity assay 酶活性检测
VG staining VG染色
Human embryonic kidney cell 293T 人胚肾细胞 293T
Scanning electron microscope 扫描电镜
Cell scratch 细胞划痕
Cell migration 细胞迁移
Cell invasion 细胞侵袭
Cell immortalization 细胞永生化
In situ hybridization 原位杂交服务
Fatty liver animal model 脂肪肝动物模型
Plasmid vector construction 质粒载体构建
cell cycle 细胞周期
Plasmid construction 质粒构建
Flow Cytometry 流式细胞术
Lentiviral packaging 慢病毒包装
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)实验
Agarose gel electrophoresis 琼脂糖凝胶电泳
Scanning electron microscope service 扫描电镜服务
Cell clone formation experimental service 细胞克隆形成实验服务
Enzyme activity detection 酶活性检测
Gene cloning 基因克隆
Cell Proliferation 细胞增殖
Cell transfection 细胞转染
MICRORNA PCR chip testing service microRNA PCR芯片检测服务
SILAC Metabolic Labeling Quantitative Experiment Service SILAC代谢标记定量实验服务
Survival Curve Determination 存活曲线测定
Protein purification 蛋白质纯化
ELISA 大鼠泰泽菌抗体 ELISA 检测试剂盒
Luminex LUMINEX多因子检测
Atherosclerosis animal model 动脉粥样硬化动物模型
Hypertensive animal model 高血压动物模型
Flow cytometry 流式细胞检测
Gelatin zymogram 明胶酶谱
Nissl stain 尼氏染色
Protein chip customized testing service 蛋白芯片定制检测服务
Neuron cell culture experiment service 神经元细胞培养实验服务
Pharmacology and Toxicology Animal Experimental Technology Service 药理毒理动物实验技术服务
Cell transfection 细胞转染
Endothelial cell culture experiment service 内皮细胞培养实验服务
Cell patch clamp experiment service 细胞膜片钳实验服务
Peptide synthesis and modification technology services 多肽合成与修饰技术服务
Angiogenesis 血管生成
Mouse preadipocytes 3T3-F442A 小鼠脂肪前体细胞3T3-F442A
Mouse embryonic fibroblast 3T3-L1 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞3T3-L1
Pathological slide service 病理切片服务
Cell adhesion 细胞粘附
Genomic DNA extraction service 基因组DNA提取服务
Transmission electron microscopy experiment service 透射电镜实验服务
TEM service 透射电镜服务
Transmission electron microscope 透射电镜
Skeletal muscle cells 骨骼肌细胞
Neuron Nissl staining experiment service 神经元尼氏染色实验服务
Cyclic RNA chip custom inspection service 环状RNA芯片定制检测服务
Enzyme activity assay 酶活性检测
cell cycle 细胞周期
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