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英文名称 中文名称 CAS
Flat weighing bottle 扁型称量瓶
Two port connection tube 二口连接管
Two-way double-vacuum piston 二通双支真空活塞
Silicone DC-11 高真空硅脂
Melting point capillary 熔点毛细管
Serpentine fat extractor 蛇形脂肪抽出器
Cotton wool 脱脂棉
Micro injector (tip) 微量进样器(尖头)
Ear wash ball 洗耳球
Small mouth reagent bottle 小口试剂瓶
Disposable syringe 一次性注射器
One ball drying tube 一球干燥管
Vacuum receiver 真空接受器
Straight two-way piston 直形二路活塞
Iodine flask 定碘烧瓶
Alcohol lamp 酒精灯
Spherical condenser 球形冷凝管
Sand core funnel 砂芯漏斗
Quartz cuvette 石英比色皿
Plastic washing bottle 塑料洗瓶
Microvoid filter film 微孔滤膜
Electronic balance 电子天平
Crystallizing dish 结晶皿
Powder-free latex gloves 无粉乳胶手套
Vacuum distiller 减压蒸馏器
Activated carbon mask 活性炭口罩
Stainless steel lifting table 不锈钢升降台
Protective masks 防毒口罩
Ring mark graduated straws (Grade A) 环标刻度吸管(A级)
Sand core filter movable device 砂芯过滤活动装置
Straight tube gas washing bottle 直管式气体洗瓶
U-shaped connection U形接管
Porous gas washing bottle 多孔式气体洗瓶
Tall weighing bottle 高型称量瓶
Centrifuge tube with pointed bottom graduated 尖底刻度离心管
plastic gloves 塑料手套
Disposable Plastic Gloves 一次性塑料手套
Colorimetric tube 比色管
Surface dish 表面皿
Filter bottle 抽滤瓶
Puncher 打孔器
Drop bottle 滴瓶
Spotted capillary 点样毛细管
Sealing melting point capillary 封口熔点毛细管
Drying machine 干燥器
Thick flat test tube 厚料平口试管
Sharp bottom centrifuge tube 尖底离心管
Measuring cylinder 具塞量筒
Plug thermometer 具塞温度计
Graduated test tube 刻度试管
Hollow plug 空心塞
Centrifuge tube box 离心管盒
Measuring cylinder 量筒
Gas drying tower 气体干燥塔
Rubber g love 乳胶手套
Triangle washing bottle 三角洗瓶
Three-way three-vacuum piston 三通三支真空活塞
Sand core filter 砂芯滤球
Serpentine reflux condenser 蛇形回流冷凝管
Serpentine condenser 蛇形冷凝管
Test tube brush 试管刷
Plastic measuring cup 塑料量杯
Plastic measuring cylinder 塑料量筒
Plastic beaker 塑料烧杯
Bent pipe 弯接管
Vortex mixer 漩涡混合器
Plexiglass tube rack 有机玻璃试管架
Round bottom graduated centrifuge tube 圆底刻度离心管
Slide 载玻片
Vacuum receiving tube 真空接受管
Straight dropper 直形点滴管
Straight condenser 直形冷凝管
T-shaped three-way piston T形三路活塞
Three connecting pipe 三口连接管
T-shaped take-over T形接管
Centrifuge tube with stoppered bottom 具塞尖底离心管
Single mark pipette (Grade A) 单标记移液吸管(A级)
disposable mask 一次性口罩
Triangle flask brush 三角烧瓶刷
Aluminum test tube rack 铝试管架
Air condenser 空气冷凝管
Y-shaped takeover Y形接管




网址: http://www.glass-zc.com

产品总数: 83



