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Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein A 人肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A(SP-A)elisa试剂盒
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin β,β-HCG ELISA Kit 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)elisa试剂盒
Human low density lipoprotein,LDL ELISA Kit 人低密度脂蛋白(LDL)elisa试剂盒
Bovine androstenedione (ASD) ELISA kit 牛雄烯二酮(ASD)ELISA试剂盒
Human C-Peptide ELISA Kit 人C肽(C-Peptide)elisa试剂盒
Human Dickkopf 1,DKK1 ELISA Kit 人Dickkopf 1(DKK1)elisa试剂盒
Human Collagen Type Ⅰ,Col Ⅰ ELISA Kit 人Ⅳ型胶原(Col Ⅳ)elisa试剂盒
Human High density lipoprotein,HDL ELISA Kit 人高密度脂蛋白(HDL)elisa试剂盒
Human Activin A,ACV-A ELISA Kit 人活化素A(ACV-A)elisa试剂盒
Human Tissue Polypeptide Antigen,TPA ELISA Kit 人组织多肽抗原(TPA)elisa试剂盒
Human type I procollagen N-terminal propeptide (PINP) ELISA kit 人Ⅰ型前胶原N端前肽(PⅠNP)elisa试剂盒
Human hypoxia-inducible factor 1α,HIF-1α ELISA Kit 人低氧诱导因子1α(HIF-1α)elisa试剂盒
Canine cholecystokinin (CCK) ELISA kit 犬胆囊收缩素(CCK)ELISA试剂盒
Rat Leptin (LEP) ELISA Test Kit 大鼠瘦素(LEP)ELISA检测试剂盒
Human Heparanase,HPA ELISA kit 人乙酰肝素酶(HPA)elisa试剂盒
Human 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids,17-OHCS ELISA Kit 人17羟皮质类固醇(17-OHCS)elisa试剂盒
human Prostaglandin E1,PG-E1 ELISA Kit 人前列腺素E1(PGE1)elisa试剂盒
Human glutathione,GSH ELISA Kit 人谷胱甘肽(GSH)elisa试剂盒
Bovine Polysaccharide Binding Protein (LBP) ELISA Kit 牛脂多糖结合蛋白(LBP)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Adiponectin (ADP) ELISA Kit 牛脂联素(ADP)ELISA试剂盒
Human tissue inhibitor of metal protease 1,TIMP-1 ELISA Kit 人基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子1(TIMP-1)elisa试剂盒
human Endothelin 1,ET-1 ELISA Kit 人内皮素1(ET-1)elisa试剂盒
Bovine Pregnancy Specific Protein B (PSPB) ELISA Kit 牛妊娠特异性蛋白B(PSPB)ELISA试剂盒
Human 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) ELISA kit 人3-硝基酪氨酸(3-NT)elisa试剂盒
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) ELISA Kit 人生长激素(HGH)elisa试剂盒
Bovine transcription factor P65 (RELA) ELISA kit 牛转录因子P65(RELA)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Histamine (HIS) ELISA KIT 牛组胺(HIS)ELISA Kit
Human Erythropoietin,EPO ELISA Kit 人红细胞生成素(EPO)elisa试剂盒
Human bone alkaline phosphatase,BALP ELISA Kit 人骨碱性磷酸酶(BALP)elisa试剂盒
Human 17-ketosteroids,17-KS ELISA Kit 人17-酮类固醇(17-KS)elisa试剂盒
Human basic fibroblast growth factor 9,bFGF-9 ELISA Kit 人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子9(bFGF-9)elisa试剂盒
hydroxyproline ELISA Kit 牛羟脯氨酸(Hyp)ELISA试剂盒
Tri-iodothyronine ELISA Kit 牛三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)ELISA试剂盒
Human Thromboxane B2,TX-B2 ELISA Kit 人血栓素B2(TXB2)elisa试剂盒
Human Dihydrotestosterone,DHT ELISA Kit 人双氢睾酮(DHT)elisa试剂盒
Human Insulin,INS ELISA Kit 人胰岛素(INS)elisa试剂盒
Human 5-Hydroxytryptamine,5HT ELISA Kit 人5羟色胺(5-HT)elisa试剂盒
Human Testoterone,T ELISA Kit 人睾酮(T)elisa试剂盒
Human Cortisol ELISA Kit 人皮质醇(Cortisol)elisa试剂盒
Human Endostatin,ES ELISA Kit 人内皮抑素(ES)elisa试剂盒
Human eosinophil chemotactic factor,ECF ELISA Kit 人鼠嗜酸粒细胞趋化因子(ECF)elisa试剂盒
Human Surfactant Protein A 人表面活性蛋白A(SP-A)elisa试剂盒
Human anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide,CCP ELISA Kit 人抗环胍氨酸肽抗体(CCP)elisa试剂盒
Human Leptin,LEP ELISA kit 人瘦素(LEP)elisa试剂盒
Human Prostaglandin E2,PG-E2 ELISA Kit 人前列腺素E2(PGE2)elisa试剂盒
Human glucoprotein 130,gp130 ELISA KIT 人糖蛋白130(gp130)elisa试剂盒
human follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH ELISA Kit 人促卵泡素(FSH)elisa试剂盒
Bovine transforming growth factor B1 (TGF-B1) ELISA kit 牛转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)ELISA试剂盒
Human growth hormone releasing peptide-Ghrelin,GHRP-Ghrelin ELISA Kit 人生长激素释放肽ghrelin(GHRP-Ghrelin)elisa试剂盒
Human adrenomedullin,ADM ELISA Kit 人肾上腺髓质素(ADM)elisa试剂盒
Human Tri-iodothyronine,T3 ELISA Kit 人三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)elisa试剂盒
Human luteotropic hormone,LH ELISA Kit 人促黄体激素(LH)elisa试剂盒
Human estrogen,E ELISA Kit 人雌激素(E)elisa试剂盒
Bovine placental growth factor (PGF) ELISA kit 牛胎盘生长因子(PGF)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Hydroxymethylglutaric Acid Coenzyme A (HMG-COA) ELISA Kit 牛羟甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A(HMG-CoA)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine aldehyde oxidase (ALDEHYDE OXIDASES, AO) ELISA kit 牛醛氧化酶(aldehyde oxidases,AO)ELISA试剂盒
Tallow acyl-CoA synthetase ELISA kit 牛脂酰辅酶A合成酶ELISA试剂盒
Human Somatostatin,SS ELISA Kit 人生长抑素(SS)elisa试剂盒
Human N-terminal procollagen Ⅲ propeptide,PⅢNP ELISA Kit 人Ⅲ型前胶原肽(PⅢNP)elisa试剂盒
Human Androstenedione,ASD ELISA Kit 人雄烯二酮(ASD)elisa试剂盒
Bovine Total Protein S (TPS) ELISA Kit 牛总蛋白S(TPS)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Tumor Necrosis Factor A (TNF-A) ELISA Kit 牛肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) ELISA Kit 牛胰高血糖素样肽1(GLP-1)ELISA试剂盒
Bovine Cytochrome B-245 Heavy Chain (CYBB) ELISA Kit 牛细胞色素b-245重链(CYBB)ELISA试剂盒
Human C-telopeptide of type Ⅰ collagen,CTX-Ⅰ ELISA Kit 人Ⅰ型胶原C端肽(CTX-Ⅰ)elisa试剂盒
Human Fibronectin,FN ELISA Kit 人纤连蛋白(FN)elisa试剂盒




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产品总数: 66


