英文名称 |
中文名称 |
Stripper liquid
剥离剂液体 |
Brightening brightener
增光增亮剂 |
Pulp deodorant
纸浆除臭剂 |
AKD neutral glue
AKD中性胶 |
Bamboo fiber disintegrant
竹木纤维离解剂 |
Special lignin fiber for cement board
水泥板专用木质素纤维 |
Folding resistance enhancer
耐折度增强剂 |
Waste paper dewaxing and degreasing agent
废纸脱蜡除油剂 |
防水剂 |
Deinking agent
脱墨剂 |
Cationic Rosin
阳离子松香胶 |
Normal temperature deinking agent
常温脱墨剂 |
Ring pressure enhancer
环压增强剂 |
Sticker remover
胶粘物去除剂 |
Anionically dispersed rosin
阴离子分散松香胶 |
Hydraulic pulper
水力碎浆机 |
Starch viscosity reducer
淀粉降粘剂 |
Wet strength agent
湿强剂 |
Dry Strenght Agent DS100
干强剂 |
石膏缓凝剂 |
Biologic agent
生物催解剂 |
Strong bleach
强力漂白剂 |
New surface sizing agent
新型表面施胶剂 |
Carton adhesive
纸箱粘合剂 |
Papermaking disperse paper
造纸用分散纸 |
Paper dry strength solid
纸张干强剂固体 |
Polyacrylamide dry powder,cationic
阳离子聚丙烯酰胺 |
Bamboo fiber softening disintegrator
竹木纤维软化离解剂 |
Retention aid filter solid
助留助滤剂固体 |
Paper combustion improver
纸品助燃剂 |
AKD wax powder
AKD 蜡粉 |
Starch substitution enhancer
淀粉取代增强剂 |
Yellowing inhibitors
返黄抑制剂 |
Waterproof enhancer
防水增强剂 |
Gypsum board foaming agent
石膏板发泡剂 |
Softening puffing agent
增柔膨化剂 |
Biological cold soaking pulping catalyzing agent
生物冷浸法制浆催解剂 |
Wet strong paper debonder
湿强纸解胶剂 |
Mortar fiber for mortar
砂浆用木质素纤维 |
Paper hardener
纸张挺硬剂 |
Starch substitute enhancer
淀粉替代增强剂 |
Hardener liquid
挺硬剂液体 |
Water-resistant agent
抗水剂 |
木素净 |
Retention filter aid liquid
助留助滤剂液体 |
Ammonium cooking catalyst
亚铵蒸煮催化剂 |
Ink adsorbent
油墨吸附剂 |
Paper cloth cleaning agent for papermaking
造纸用毛布清洗剂 |
Tensile agent
拉力剂 |
消泡剂 |
Penetrating agent
渗透剂 |
Water-proof agent for plasterboard
石膏板防水剂 |
Dry strength agent liquid
干强剂液体 |
剥离剂 |
Surface sizing starch substitute
表面施胶淀粉替代剂 |
High brightness fluorescent whitening agent
高亮度荧光增白剂 |
Static elimination agent
静电消除剂 |
Special antiseptic and bactericide for papermaking
造纸专用防腐杀菌剂 |
Cloth cleaning agent
毛布清洗剂 |
Very hard solid
挺硬剂固体 |
Superstition agent for superstition paper
迷信纸专用松厚剂 |
Sludge modifier
污泥改性剂 |
Pulp dispersant
纸浆分散剂 |
柔软剂 |
Cationic Surface Sizing Agent for Paper Chemicals
表面施胶剂 |
PAE wet strength agent
PAE湿强剂 |
Dyed white agent
显白剂 |
Talc modifier
滑石粉改性剂 |
Tensile solid
拉力剂固体 |
Gypsum board enhancer
石膏板增强剂 |
水泥发泡剂 |
有机硅消泡剂 |
127-40-2 |
Ring pressure enhancer waterproof series
环压增强剂防水系列 |
Water-drawing agent
拨水剂 |
Wax lotion
蜡乳液 |
anti-blushing agent
防潮剂 |
Expanding agent liquid
膨化剂液体 |
Cleaning agent for printing ink
油墨清洗剂 |
Liquid ring pressure enhancer
液体环压增强剂 |
Defoamer for paper making
造纸用消泡剂 |