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英文名称 中文名称 CAS
Ultrasonic cleaner 超声波清洗器
Ultrasonic cell disruptor 超声波细胞破碎仪
PLEXBRIGHT optical genetic stimulation system PlexBright光遗传刺激系统
Inverted fluorescence microscope 倒置荧光显微镜
Laser Doppler flowmeter 激光多普勒血流仪
Isolated cardiac perfusion system 离体心脏灌流系统
Painometer 压痛仪
Plant growth box 植物生长箱
Constant temperature mixer 恒温混匀器
Vortex oscillator 涡旋振荡器
Infrared thermal radiometer 红外热辐射计
Isolated tissue perfusion system 离体组织灌流系统
TSE Series -86°C Upright Freezer TSE 系列 -86°C 立式超低温冰箱
barnes maze 巴恩斯迷宫
stimulator 刺激器
Electronic tactile measuring instrument 电子触觉测量仪
Dynamic plantar tactile sensor 动态足底触觉仪
animal warming pad 动物保温垫
elevated plus maze 高架十字迷宫
working heart perfusion system 工作心脏灌流系统
Facial pain tester 面部疼痛测试仪
Pain flick 疼痛甩尾仪
mouse ventilator 小鼠呼吸机
Anaerobic workstation 厌氧工作站
Liquid nitrogen storage tank 液氮储存罐
Limb swelling meter 肢体肿胀测量仪
grip gauge 抓力计
Tissue oxygen partial pressure and blood perfusion monitoring system 组织氧分压与血流灌注监测系统
Tactile Measurement Kit 触觉测量套件
conditioned fear system 条件恐惧系统
Spectrophotometer 分光光度计
Ultra-micro UV-visible spectrophotometer 超微量紫外可见分光光度计
Rotary evaporator 旋转蒸发仪
Vacuum pump 真空泵
Foot Tester 足底测试仪
Airway resistance and lung compliance measurement system 气道阻力及肺顺应性测量系统
STOELTING Stereotaxic Apparatus Stoelting脑立体定位仪
Heating Magnetic Stirrer 加热磁力搅拌器


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产品总数: 38



