英文名称 |
中文名称 |
SP6 RNA Polymerase
SP6核糖核酸聚合酶 |
RQ1 RNase-Free DNase
RQ1 脱氧核糖核酸酶(无RNASE活性) |
PCR Markers
Pfu DNA Polymerase
T7 RNA Polymerase
T7 RNA聚合酶 |
Nuclease-Free Water
无酶水 |
水解聚马来酸酐 |
26099-09-2 |
M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase
反转录酶 |
9068-38-6 |
T4 RNA Ligase
S1 Nuclease
绿豆核酸酶 |
9025-65-4 |
2ˊ-脱氧尿苷-5ˊ-三磷酸 |
94234-60-3 |
Bgl I
限制性核酸内切酶 BGLⅠ |
80449-04-3 |
n-Butyryl CoA
HeLa Nuclear Extract
Ribo m7G Cap Analog
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
T4多聚核苷酸激酶 |
37211-65-7 |
100bp DNA Ladder
Bgl II
限制性核酸内切酶 BGLⅡ |
81295-12-7 |
Sma I
限制性核酸内切酶SMAⅠ(高浓度品) |
82391-42-2 |
dNTP Mix
dNTP MIX溶液 |
Trypsin Gold, Mass Spectrometry Grade
Access RT-PCR System
Tris Base, Molecular Biology Grade
CAT Enzyme Assay System with Reporter Lysis Buffer
Reverse Transcription System
1.2kb Kanamycin Positive Control RNA
ADP-Glo Kinase Assay
ADP-Glo Kinase Assay +p70S6K Kinase Enzyme System
ALDEFLUOR Stem Cell Identification Kit
Anti-ACTIVE JNK pAb, Rabbit, (pTPpY)
Anti-Foam Reagent
Automatic Processor Compatible (APC) Film
Bacterial Strain ES1301 mutS, Glycerol Stock (noncompetent)
Caspase Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK, 20mM
CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay
CellTiter-Blue Cell Viability Assay
cGMP, 1mM
c-MER Kinase Enzyme System
Column Wash Solution (CWB)
DeadEnd Colorimetric TUNEL System
DPPIV-Glo Protease Assay
E. coli S30 Extract System for Circular DNA
EDTA, 0.5M (pH 8.0), Molecular Biology Grade
ENLITEN ATP Assay System
EpiCult-B Medium (Mouse) Kit
Erase-a-Base System (minus vectors & bacterial strain)
Formamide, Molecular Grade
Gel Drying Kit, 17.5 x 20cm capacity
Gel Shift Assay System
GloResponse CRE-luc2P HEK293 Cell Line
GoTaq 2-Step RT-qPCR System
GoTaq Hot Start Polymerase
Griess Reagent System
HaloLink Array Six Slide System
I-Ppo I
ISOQUANT Isoaspartate Detection Kit
Klenow Fragment, Exonuclease Minus
Luciferase Assay System, 10-Pack
Luciferin-EFTM Edotoxin-Free Luciferin Na
MagaZorb DNA Mini-Prep Kit
MagneGST Pull-Down System
MegaCult-C 10% BSA, 6mL
MEK Inhibitor U0126
MINK1 Kinase Enzyme System
mNGF, 2.5S
Mouse Soluble ICAM, 0.1 mg
Mouse Striatal Neurospheres, 1 vial
MULTI-CORE Buffer Pack
Neurogranin(28-43) (PKC) Peptide Substrate
Nuclei Lysis Solution
Passive Lysis 5X Buffer
pCI Mammalian Expression Vector
pCI-neo Mammalian Expression Vector
pF25A ICE T7 Flexi Vector
pGEM-T Easy Vector System I
PinPoint Xa-1 Vector
PolyATtract mRNA Isolation System I (Refill for Z5200)
ProFluor Src-Family Kinase Assay
Prostaglandin E2, 5 mg
ProtoBlot II AP System with Stabilized Substrate, Human
Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate, Untreated
rATP, rCTP, rGTP, rUTP, each at 10mM in separate tubes
Recombinant Human EGF, 200ug
Recombinant Human IL-15, 25 ug
Recombinant Human Oncostatin M, 10 ug
Recombinant Human Oncostatin M, 50 ug
Recombinant Human PDGF-AB, 50ug
Recombinant Human SDF-1 Alpha, 50 ug
Recombinant Mouse LIF, 10 ug
Recombinant Mouse M-CSF, 10ug
Renilla Luciferase Assay System
rhFGF, Basic
Riboprobe System Buffers
rLys-C, Mass Spec Grade
RSK2 Kinase Enzyme System
SignaTECT cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase (PKA) Assay System
SILVER SEQUENCE Staining Reagents
Steady-Glo Luciferase Assay System