Forensic and veterinary standards; Imidazole; Benzimidazole deworming agents; Compound: raw material; General reagent; Imidazoles; Antihelminths; Pharmaceutical intermediates; Small molecule inhibitor; Pharmaceutical raw materials; Raw materials; Analytical standards; Veterinary medicine; Veterinary drug raw material; Biochemical reagent; Medical raw materials; Organic chemical industry; Veterinary drug raw materials; Chemical raw materials; Raw material intermediates - raw materials; API apis - veterinary drug apis; Chemical raw materials - raw materials; Chemical products - Organic chemicals; Chemical raw materials; Medical raw materials; Ingredients; Drug impurities and intermediates; Pharmaceutical raw materials; Veterinary raw materials; Pharmaceutical raw materials for scientific research; PHARMACEUTICALS; ActivePharmaceuticalChemicalbookIngredients; API; Intermediates&FineChemicals; Veterinaries; Amines; Aromatics; Heterocycles; Sulfur&SeleniumCompounds; ProteasomeInhibitors; PANACUR; OtherAPIs; vermifuge; Pharmaceutical, pesticide and dye intermediates; Intermediate of the original drug; Veterinary medicine and chemical industry; Anti-parasitic; Chemical reagent; Chemical reagents - veterinary raw materials; Imports from India; Veterinary drug raw materials; API apis - insect repellent; Chemical raw material
Benzimidazole is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and low-toxicity benzimidazole deworming drug, which has a strong affinity with the tubulin of the insect body. By affecting the transport and energy metabolism of the cells, benzimidazole prevents the polymerization of the microtubules, and ultimately destroys the integrity of the insect cells and the function of energy transfer. Benthiimidazole has been used to repel gastrointestinal parasites in animals. It not only has high deworming activity against gastrointestinal roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, some tapeworms and strongylodes, but also has good efficacy against some bronchial trees and pulmonary parasites (cat lungworm and lungworm).