1. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM in Novadex (Tamoxifen Citrate).
2. Clomid first gained worldwide attention in the early 1970’s as a strong fertility aid and is still used for that purpose today. It is also one of the most commonly used SERM’s by anabolic steroid users. Now, Clomiphene Citrate is not an anabolic steroid but can be used to combat estrogenic side effects sometimes caused by anabolic steroids.
3. Clomiphene Citrate can also be used as a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) medication in order to stimulate suppressed testosterone production due to anabolic steroid use. PCT use of Clomiphene Citrate is the most common purpose and most beneficial point of use for the anabolic steroid user.
4. For many men, especially hardcore anabolic steroid user, Clomid is not enough for estrogenic protection. In this case, an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Femera (Letrozole) will be needed. AI’s actively inhibit the aromatase process and will see serum estrogen levels reduced. By far they are the most effective at combating gynecomastia and will have more success in combating water retention.
5. In fact, SERM’s like Clomid often do very little to combat water retention. However, in many cases, many performance athletes would do a better job controlling water retention if they did a better job controlling their diet. In off-season bulking plans this requires excess calories to grow.
6. However, many take it too far, especially carbohydrate consumptions, and this will cause you to hold water with or without anabolic steroid use. Add in aromatizing steroids to the equation and water retention will be even greater.
7. Further, AI’s while effective will have a negative impact on cholesterol, which leads us to only one sane conclusion. Control your diet and if you can control gynecomastia with a SERM like Clomid it should be your first choice