Capreomycin sulfate CAS:1405-37-4
Molecular formula : C25H44N14O7.H2SO4 Molecular weight : 750.78
Introduction: Capreomycin sulfate is a cyclic peptide antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 70S ribosome. At pH of about . 5 when the [alpha], beta] - at amino acid residues of two amino function and a Cu ( 2+ ) ion chelation.
Physical properties and indicators:
Appearance:........................White or off-white powder
Solubility: ..................... Soluble in water, almost insoluble in ethanol, chloroform or ether
Loss on drying:..................≤10.0%
Use and description: Scientific research reagents are widely used in molecular biology, pharmacology and other scientific research. Capreomycin sulfate is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. This product is a peptide complex, which has inhibitory effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its mechanism is still unclear, which may be related to inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis. Bacteria are prone to drug resistance when applied alone. Can be used for molecular biology and tissue culture (preventing microbial contamination and resistance screening)
Storage conditions: −20°C, protected from light and moisture.