Paromomycin sulfate;CAS:1263-89-4
Molecular formula: C23H45N5O14.H2SO4 Molecular weight : 713.71
Physical properties and indicators:
Appearance:........................White or yellowish powder
Solubility: ..................... Soluble in water, insoluble in methanol, ethanol, acetone, chloroform or ether
Loss on drying:..................≤5.0%
Sensitivity: .....................The wettability is very strong, and it is easy to change color when exposed to light.
Use and description: Scientific research reagents, widely used in molecular biology, pharmacology and other scientific research, are strictly prohibited for human body. Aminoglycoside antibiotics. The antibacterial spectrum of paromomycin is basically the same as that of neomycin and kanamycin by directly binding to the 16S rRNA of the 30S subunit in the bacterial ribosome, resulting in protein translation error or early termination of protein synthesis to produce its antibacterial effect]. In the human body, aminoglycoside antibiotics cause abnormal translation of mitochondrial proteins in susceptible individuals through the action of binding sites with their mitochondrial 12S rRNA (corresponding to the 16S rRNA of bacteria), causing deafness. The ear and kidney toxicity of paromomycin is large, so it is generally not suitable for systemic application. It is generally used to construct gene targeting vectors, bacterial resistance research, research on small molecule drug targets, and ecotoxicity research of luminescent bacteria.
Storage conditions: room temperature, protected from light and moisture.