Chromium is one of the 12 essential trace metal elements for human body. In nature, chromium exists in various valence states from Cr to Cr6+, but The most common ones are Cr, Cr2 +, Cr3 + and Cr6+.Cr3+ is an essential trace element in human body. Almost all chromium in human body is Cr3+, which is a component of glucose tolerance factor and has insulin-like effect. It can promote the use of glucose by cells, promote oxidative phosphorylation of glucose, promote glycogen synthesis, improve the stability of insulin, and thus reduce blood sugar.Its physiological function has been paid more and more attention by researchers.Studies show that chromium is closely related to glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein metabolism and nucleic acid metabolism.It was also found that all kinds of animals had strong tolerance to chromium.It can withstand 3000mg/kg of chromium oxide and 1000mg/kg of chromium chloride.As an organic chromium preparation, the safety of chromium picolinate has been increasingly concerned.In livestock production, chromium picolinate has obvious promoting effect on relieving environmental stress, improving lean meat rate and enhancing resistance, and has been widely used.
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