treatment of infected cells with pan-caspase inhibitor iv and z-wehd-fmk, an inhibitor of inflammatory caspases, elicited a near-complete blockage of c. trachomatis-induced cleavage of golgin-84. golgin-84 cleavage was blocked via treatment of infected cells with z-wehd-fmk, resulting in a lack of golgi fragmentation and a 2-log reduction in numbers of infectious bacteria.we treated infected cells with z-wehd-fmk, effectively preventing golgi fragmentation, or with dmso as a control and then labelled cells with fluorescent ceramide. confocal images revealed that ceramide was rapidly incorporated into the inclusion membrane within dmso-treated cells and accumulated inside the inclusion in bacterial membranes. in contrast, z-wehd-fmk-treated cells were only slightly fluorescent as the majority of lipid accumulated in a golgi-like structure outside the inclusion1.general caspase inhibitor (z-asp-chz-dcb) and capase-5 inhibitor (z-wehd-fmk) could not induce rrna fragmentation treated with ecyd. caspase-5 (icerei ill/ty), member of ice protease, activated pathway may be concerned with ecyd induced rrna fragmentation2.
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