Androgens are the male sex hormones that exert biological and transcriptional effects on binding to nuclear androgen receptor (AR). Androgens in humans include androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. Androgen receptor is a ligand inducible nuclear receptor, expressed on brain, bone, skeletal muscles, genital organs, hair follicles and cardiovascular tissue. On binding androgen, the AR is internalized and modulates the transcriptional of target genes. Additionally, AR also exerts extra-nuclear actions wherein it rapidly induces signalling cascades of MAPK and protein kinase C. The regulation by AR results in irreversible sexual differentiation of sex organs during embryogenesis and development of sex-specific characteristics during puberty
Anti-Androgen Receptor specifically recognizes the human androgen receptor protein (110 kDa). An additional band may be observed at 45 kDa. The antibody cross-reacts with rat androgen receptor.