Gallium is likewise very
sensitive in detecting and locating infections and inflammatory
foci (interstitial lung disease, chronic hepatitis, pulmonary
disease, sarcoidosis, osteomyelitis, etc.). This application is
extremely important in the management of immunocompromised
cancer patients. Because AIDS patients frequently
present minimal symptomatology, radionuclide imaging,
with its ability to survey the entire body, is especially valuable,
and also in labeled leukocyte scintigraphy. Image interpretation
should be tempered by full knowledge of the patient’s
clinical condition, anatomic alterations due to prior surgery,
and correct timing of image acquisition. Early imaging at
4–6 h is useful in the detection of gastrointestinal infections,
whereas 24 h imaging is useful in the evaluation of chest
infections. Although 67Ga is a nonspecific agent, the identification
of the etiology of the inflammationmay be improved by
appropriate clinical and laboratory information as well as by
correlation with other imaging modalities such as sonography
and computerized X-ray tomography (CT). High-dose
(10mCi) 67Ga single-photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) imaging with image coregistration is important for
accurate uptake localization.
Gallium-67 citrate is one of the most useful radiopharmaceuticals
in detecting tumors, staging the extent of the disease, and
monitoring response to treatment and distinguishing recurrent
disease from posttreatment changes.