P-Menthα-8-thiol-3-one has a black-currant flavor. May be prepared by reaction of pulegone or isopulegone with hydrogen sulfide excess and ethanolic potassium hydroxide.
p-Mentha-8-thiol-3-one is an
essential odoriferous constituent of buchu leaf oil. The commercial product is
synthesized from pulegone and is a liquid mixture of cis–trans-isomers with a
typical blackcurrant odor. 8-Mercapto-p-menthan-3-one is prepared by reacting
pulegone with hydrogen sulfide in the presence of a base (e.g., triethylamine).
This powerful fragrance and flavor substance is used in perfume and aroma
clear yellow to dark yellow liquid
p-Mentha-8-thiol-3-one has a black currant flavor.
Reported found in buchu oil.
p-Mentha-8-thiol-3-one is a flavour in food.
By reaction of pulegone or isopulegone with hydrogen sulfide excess and ethanolic potassium hydroxide.
ChEBI: 8-Mercapto-p-menthan-3-one is a p-menthane monoterpenoid.
Aroma characteristics at 0.001%: sweet, pungent, minty and piney, buchulike and catty, sulfurous, metal lic, thiomenthome-like, blackberry, blackcurrant and grape fruity, with an earthy background.
Taste characteristics at 5 ppm: minty, fruity, buchu-like, with a cooling, green tropical nuance, winey, sul furous and catty, metallic, slightly durnianlike, grape, blackcurrant, blackberry with a somewhat creamy mouthfeel.