Bitter crystals or powder.
The soluble
monosodium salt of barbital. It is a long-acting bar-
biturate that depresses most metabolic processes at
high doses.
Poison; causes marked depression, pro-
longed coma, and death; teratogen; questionable
carcinogen; tumorigen; neoplastigen; mutagen.
Flammability and Explosibility
Not classified
Poison by ingestion,
subcutaneous, intravenous, and
intraperitoneal routes. Large doses cause
marked depression (sometimes preceded by
excitation), prolonged coma, and death.
Experimental teratogenic and reproductive
effects. Allergic skin reactions may occur on
contact. Implicated in development of
aplastic anemia. Questionable carcinogin with experimental tumorigenic and
neoplastigenic data. A truly habit-forming
drug. Other experimental reproductive
effects. Mutation data reported.
Combustible. When heated to
decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NO,
and NazO. See also BARBITURATES
Crystallise it from water (3mL/g) by adding an equal volume of EtOH and cooling to 5o. Dry it under vacuum over P2O5. [Beilstein 24 III/IV 1904.]