Pharmaceutical intermediates, optical split agent. Camphorsulfonic acid is an important organic synthesis intermediates, optical resolving agent. Due to its optical rotation, it is industrially applicable be the optical isomers for racemisation, and is also widely used as pharmaceutical intermediates such as for the production of intestinal disorder inhibitors, HIV improving agents and the like. Left and right handed camphorsulfonic acid is an important resolving agent for optically active amino acids, such as camphorsulfonic acid—a chiral ion-pairing reagent. It separates 5 substances—phenylpropanolamine, which has receptor-blocking action and cardiac inhibition and local anesthetic action effects; metoprolol, propranolol, epinephrine, salbutamol and atenolol.
Camphor sulfonate made by camphorsulfonic acid for salting or other synthetic routes also has a wide range of uses. For example, camphor sulfonate is a veterinary central stimulant, which can stimulate the respiratory center and cause respiratory excitement, ; it is used for the treatment respiratory and circulatory acute disorders, resisting central nervous system poisoning; camphor ammonium sulfonate acts as a chiral ion pair reagent added to the mobile phase to separate the aromatic alcohol amine drug enantiomers.

Figure 3: Camphor sulfonate